Previous Page Wednesday, November 27, 2024 Nuhmeh Millionaire-Style! And his new 2024 pimped-out Rolls Royces, lookin' like a Yacht on wheels. Hahaha. But who wouldn't want to be a millionaire, but certainly not at the expense of your happiness. Not only are there no guarantees, real estate is something I find boring as crap. If you are not passionate about something, it's not worth doing it if it doesn't make you happy. It can make a lot of money - but only do it if you have the passion for it. Some of us Asian Guys can look very disproportionate, short legs and longer bodies / torsos. Well, Bobby Lee has no torso haha. Hunched back, I'm only 5' 9.5" or 5' 10", so that's short to average height these days. Diggy is also right - we have a low center of gravity. Tim Chantarangsu's "Weird Science" is more like "Failed Science" haha. His creation: "You're Too Short" (In other words, "You're Too Asian". "You're Too Ugly") haha. Never thought I'd see the outage map finally cleared - they worked all week practically non-stop. I'm certain they have to eat and rest. Otherwise - mistakes happen if one is too fatigued. I thought about learning all of Chopin's Op. 25 Etudes. Which are tougher - the Op. 10 or 25? I still think the "Winter Wind" is the most difficult. Tuesday, November 26, 2024 I've had several comfortable run-throughs of the Liszt's etude no. 1, so it's just a matter of scheduling. My favorite part of this expressive piece, is the climax where Liszt's daunting chords stand out (w/ energetic passion), and tapers back to the calm, serene melodic theme that runs throughout the piece. More passionate than Cody Lundin's orgasmic frenzy of thinking about his Mom's Minstroni Soup while trying to survive in romania. Haha. Hilarious Tweet Of The Year (from Tim Chantarangsu): ![]() Happy Holidays! Remember to quote these holiday movies: For Thanksgiving: "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" - "No rental agreement? You're fucked" For Christmas: "Christmas Vacation" - "Can lead us in Grace?". "Who's Grace??" Saturday, November 23, 2024 The most important question in the past, few uneventful months - Did Andrew Huang get a haircut or not. Haha. There were some recent uploads / shorts with a short-haired Andrew, but his new videos - his hair long again. I doubt hair grows that quick between videos. Or are they being uploaded out-of-sequence. Regardless - it was nice of Andrew uploading a video of his music production / video creating process. It's very organized and logical. The antithesis of today's society. Relevant / interesting tidbits:
Thursday, November 21, 2024 I can't question Sungwon Cho's taste in anime, since I have no idea about any of them. If they are dubbed however, it's an automatic thumbs down or Hell No for me. PSE is having a daunting task of restoring power to nearly the entire county and elsewhere they cover. So much so, it's fortunate that they are getting help from outside companies. Hospitals yes, but schools? I think they can wait, I think a family's home is more important. It's my first time experiencing a multi-day outage. Hotels and restaurants are having a blast however - their business is booming. Let's face it, we were hit as if Hurricane Candy rolled us over. I hear there is another storm Friday, hope we are spared. And praytell we are spared for the winter. Tuesday, November 19, 2024 Nuhmeh Early Morning-Style! Guys - Thach's simple life hack about waking up at 5AM are for early birds only. If you are a morning person, his advice can only help. Otherwise, our "simple life hack": Just-Sleep-Through-It-Because-It's-Too-Damn-Early. Hahaha. Monday, November 18, 2024 Sungwon, what the fork. If you hate your forks, please fork them over so we can have all of 'em forkin' forks. Hahaha. Fortunately, I've been able to practice the Liszt etude in its entirety. So it's a matter of finding time or scheduling. Sunday, November 17, 2024 Andrew Huang's musical words of wisdom is certainly felt in his new book, "Make Your Own Rules". And his production classes and Youtube videos. For any aspiring musicians or artists, this is worth the money more than any institution / departments combined. Plus - you would not be wasting thousands and thousands of dollars, loan after loan for average, un-inspiring education. The traditional ways of thinking is obsolete and is no longer effective. Or at the very least - it creates a very un-inspiring product or result, which makes everyone sound the same. These institutions are inconspicuously preaching to discriminate through prejudice. Creativity becomes more free-flowing when there are less restrictions. Of course - when it comes to mastering the fundamentals, that's probably the exception. However you want to learn and master them, you still have to learn and master them (either through schooling or on your own). I heard the fight choreography in "Cobra Kai" S6 Part II is off-the-charts or exceptional. I'll most likely solely watch based on this, not thinking about what we already know happens to our fav character. I do not get emotionally involved with storylines, since some of our favorite characters have been retired. Saturday, November 16, 2024 I'm definitely looking forward to the Liszt's etude no. 1. Now it's just a matter of scheduling a recording session, probably have to exercise my birthday wish haha. Depending on how this'll turn out, I think it'll be in my top, favorite recordings. The other ones include Mendelssohn's Rondo Capriccioso and Beethoven's No. 31. Put up early Christmas decor, sing holiday songs, and it'll do you wonders. To forget about all the troubles and vileness of the world. "It was an honor to fight you, Mike Tyson." In other words, "It was a great pleasure collaborating with you so we can make a lot of money off of your name, and knowing full well you are not in shape and your age." hahaha. Friday, November 15, 2024 "Ripley's Believe It Or Not" is my favorite type of museum. I wish they had one in WA. Other than the Planetarium. Art museums are boring as fuck. Or are there just too many "common art" these days. Go to Steebee Weebee's down-to-earth vlog. Jeremy Lin's reaction to his old video of finally receiving his diploma is priceless. Who wouldn't agree that getting an education traditionally is now overrated. You can learn more practical and relevant things on your own. Until these institutions are dismantled and destroyed, they are the only avenues or tickets for students to have a potential career in anything (alright - in terms of the medical field, formal training is absolutely necessary since a person's life is at stake). Thursday, November 14, 2024 *Tyson vs. Paul. Iron Mike be like, "That Pooothy is not only fat but soft, feeling thorry for me afth-ter having to postpone. Not only I'm gonna eat his children, I'm gonna knock him out faster than knocking out Lil' Mac in my Punch-Out game". hahaha. Thanks, C-Mac. That was entertaining, when there is a lack of it these days. Bobby "I Look Like a Failed Attempt At Looking Like An Anime Or A Mascot" haha. With that kind of costume, it's no surprise yer ass was in jail. No relations to Bobby Lee - the guy is not fat yet. One of the most difficult situations a parent can face (or least for an emotionally-numb / non-empathetic father like myself), is reading a toddler or a child's behavior patterns or why they throw tantrums. I tend to just throw my hands up in the air after failed attempts at soothing, and cry for help myself. My ultimate birthday wish (undisclosed when it is, just in general terms)- to become a better father, and for my wife and children to be always healthy / happy and grow well. Personal wish - to find time to record Liszt's etude at some point. Fortunately, I've been able to practice bits at a time with more frequency throughout the day (instead of full practice at a set time). This doesn't work for everyone - for me, I have to know and be inspired / enjoy the melody of the entire piece first. Then learning the notes become easier to learn quicker. Wednesday, November 13, 2024 Finally, Quang Tran discussed the curiosity of the decade (other than the revelation that there is no such thing as dark matter, as if science did not know what they were talkin' about. These days, science mumbo jumbo is created to make them "sound" intelligent when reality is, they really aren't. While some things are facts, you know something definitely is wrong when astronomers are continuously being baffled / disproven more and more.) - why the quality of KFC has gone down. Way down. When you talk about fried chicken, only Popeyes, Jollibee and Chik-Fil-A are talked about. In essence - the chicken is dry, the crust is soggy / never crispy, and the taste is bland or unseasoned it appears. Only their Pot Pie and Mac & Cheese are any good. Quang - I'd definitely trust your fried chicken over KFC any day. Probably more tasty thousand-fold. Tuesday, November 12, 2024 Holy shit, Thach Nguyen has a Lamborghini? Nuhmeh Lambo-Style! haha. That's what I call "keepin' it real" - make sure to fill 'er up at Arco or Circle K. Haha. Low, low ridah! Monday, November 11, 2024 I guess you can't go wrong with the Youtube algorithm if it forces Tim Chantarangsu do spit some rhymes or bars every now or then, or even do a skit. Hahaha. But we all know how fucked up the algorithm is. As fucked up as this world or society we are living in. Sungwon Cho aka ProZD knows the algorithm all too well. As well their fucked-up or inept search function, which brings up videos that have nothing to do with the content creator. Sunday, November 10, 2024 *I'm usually on the look-out for fresh, new content creators or Youtubers. Who is Fred Liu - other than being just a young Asian-American who already has over 700K+ subscribers in a short period of time. However - these slice-of-life content or vlogs are a breathe of fresh air from all the insipid, forgettable topics out there. Fred Liu appears vibrant, full of life and has a blank slate (no preconceived notions) - which is necessary if you want to travel to sketchy cities or areas. The NYC can be exciting and vibrant (it at least appears safer and more cordial than the city where I live near to), only if you go with a blank or clean slate and forget about all the negatives. And - he apparently has a friend "Justin" who looks like he can be a professional mime. "Zeee escargot any-vone?". Schubert has nice works, but doesn't have a vast piano repertoire however. If there are some tranquil pieces, his Adagio D. 612 is one. That's this week's Retro piece of the day. This was recorded I believe in the summer of 2023. It behooves a pianist to take a break from emotionally heavy pieces. Tranquil pieces - I often practice or play J.S. Bach. But Chopin and Schubert are other composers. Phil Swift and his Tonka Toys haha. To show you the power of Flex Super Glue, I'm gonna take this big-ass Tonka Truck, load up 3 tons of cinder blocks, and let one drop of Flex Super Glue do all the work in holding it all. Are you sure there isn't some magnet behind all this. Haha. I've been secretly finishing all the leftover Halloween candy, a few at a time. Mo'. Bettah. Believe. Haha. I should just throw out the rest. Before - I'd eat a heap all at once. It's definitely ripe for diabetes. Phrase / Advice Of The Day: "Keep It Playa", C-Mac. "In the end, the universe unfolds as intended or should" - the first Harold & Kumar. Saturday, November 09, 2024 Let's get through the rest of the year just thinking about Thanksgiving and then Christmas. The holidays are on. Is it too early to put up decor right after Halloween. Probably not - if you want to escape or forget about this absolutely forgettable world we live in, you can immerse yourself in the holidays early. Or for me - just thinking about what new piece to practice next. I think state fairs, carnivals have more tasty treats than restaurants combined. In fact - some go there just for the eats instead of the rides. Goddamn - we didn't get to see David So's reaction when the Ferris Wheel reached the very top. I guess he wanted to quickly end the video to end Tim Chantarangsu for getting him on another "heightening" ride. Haha. Bart Kwan should handle the camera more in doing vlogs - then we don't get to see Geo's fat head take up most of the camera space. Daaayum! Friday, November 08, 2024 I enjoyed a fulfilling buffet lunch the other day - everything was fresh, crispy, juicy, fatty, etc. I had a plateful of only fried food at one point. Hahaha. Another Nuhmeh Sound Advice-Style! It's better to be a master of one, than a "jack-of-all-trades" (although a person can do multiple things well, the phrase does not mean that a person is master of all of them. Very rarely does such a person exist). In the end, becoming a master at your craft has more profit potential. Especially if you are a Hustler. Haha. Chopin's Nocturnes and Waltzes are my favorite types of Chopin pieces. The piano repertoire is vast - Ballades, Sonatas, Scherzi, Etudes, Polonaises, etc. In the annals of "Bad Friends" history of hilarious moments, the Rudy jules "Stuh-op The Cuh-aaar" possession was one of the weirdest and hilarious (and of course, Bobby Lee's cackling like a plump weasel). I don't think this tops the "Doc Willis Was Brutally Molested By His Gay-Ass Uncle" moment:
Thursday, November 07, 2024 Only Andrew Huang can tell between music or sounds coming from either hardware or software. Music produced or synthesized from software, sometimes is difficult to distinguish from an actual instrument or hardware. One has to have an experienced ear. Technology can replicate performances and sounds, but it can never express music. Despite this, I definitely prefer the real or actual instrument than from computers. Technology only exists as a convenience or short cuts. Wednesday, November 06, 2024 New character or "playa" in C-Mac's adventures - the Asian Pee Wee haha. Not exactly peewee, more like the Fat Hunchback Of Vietnam. What they should do, is hire Raymond "C-Mac" Yu as security or enforcer and arm him to the tee (taser, a glock, etc). If the country can't take care of their own, then it's not worth visiting. Tuesday, November 05, 2024 Nuhmeh Motivation-Style! Aside from Thach Nguyen's "professional persona" or "real estate pimp" haha, he has it right. Do what makes you happy. Although you might make a lot in real estate, if it doesn't make you happy - don't do it. Or the "overused" phrase - "don't sell out". Unless you're Dumbfoundead learning the hard way haha, auditioning for a racist role. Justin Chon did the right thing - I would've done the same. I didn't know Bart Kwan was autistic. I suppose Austism and ADHD go together. Sponsored by Pizza Hut haha. Imagine David So finding out Bart Kwan ordered some Pizza (and not letting him know) and then getting pissed - "You're Autistic" haha. When it comes to pizza, I'll gladly be autistic myself (I do have mild symptoms, certainly am full-on ADHD since I get bored easily) just to devour the pie. Hahah. When there aren't a lot of delicious pizza options, stick with Costco options and the frozen, thin-crust ones at the grocer. This had got to be one of the most funniest Just Kidding News episodes of all time haha - "Bart Kwan Is Autistic And Like Pizza". Sunday, November 03, 2024 *Nuhmeh Car Wash-Style! That's one of the perks of being wealthy - you get to purchase a bunch of nice cars (lambo, ferrari or a G Wagon if that's your thing haha), wash / care for them as if they were your pets, pimp 'em out (low, low - ridah) and get them ready for MTV Cribs or something like that. Anyone need some Ferrari consulting, go to the Ferrari Guru himself Thach Nguyen Haha. *But getting back to Thach's question - what's your meditation. It's playing music, or playing my favorite classical pieces. It's a nice escape. From everything. I'm excited to hear Ke Huy Quan has a new project in the works - "Fairytale In New York". What is not clear, is what is Ke's role in it. As long as it is a major one. I'm already looking forward to "Love Hurts" and "The Electric State" - the current projects he is in. Props for C-Mac for that knock out haha. Raymond Yu is my Asian Guy Role Model for sure. Be like C-Mac, not like Bobby Lee haha. Oh yeah - Tim Chantarangsu's Chino "O-Cleano" Cochino is back! "Yo, homes. Esse". Hahaha. One of the greatest Anti-Mock characters alive (Only Asians can flip the script and mock the stereotypes), not since David So's Mr. Wuhan Steve. Saturday, November 02, 2024 Here's another "I'm curious what these personalities / actors are up to", w/ Randall Park and John Cho. Some recent interviews: Apparently, Randall Park is running a marathon (other than filming a McDonald's ad for the Chicken Big Mac) and John Cho recently wrapped up a horror film, "Afraid". It's about AI - been there, done that. But I'll support John Cho - a prolific actor who's good in anything. I recommend watching "Don't Make Me Go". Friday, November 01, 2024 Even with the precipitation, it was still nice to see kids goin' out trick or treating. I enjoy seeing the different costumes as much as eating the leftover candies haha. But watching our toddler come back with a tub full of candy and enjoying the experience topped it all. By virtue of experience, I'm sure fans are anointing Tampa Jay as the leading authority on haunts and haunted house walk-throughs. I wasn't surprised he participated as a scare actor. Here's to next season. I just found Nobuyuki Tsujii's performance of all of Chopin's Op. 10 Etudes. I hope Nobuyuki uploads again on his channel - it's been almost a year. A new composition of his own hopefully (he's also a composer). Also - the Video Game Pianist has been absent. Some content creators or Youtubers are transitioning away from their main channel, due to other activities. My opinion - expressing a piece is just as important (or even moreso, depending on the piece) as mastering a piece. Otherwise - everything is going to sound the same, like machines or robots. Classical Music is a crapshoot - it's very difficult to standout, because everyone ends up sounding the same. Probably one of the most important tips - take proper fingering seriously. Haha. Or course - comfort is important in deciding how to navigate certain passages. As well as using not just the fingers, but the wrist, arm and how much pressure. It all comes down how you want to express the piece. *I could definitely believe Bobby Lee is a "walking meatball" haha. Literally. With cheese as a bonus. At the same time - I didn't know Bobby Lee was italian. Haha. Thursday, October 31, 2024 *Nuhmeh Rolls Royce-Style! Quick - become a real estate guru so that, You Too. Can have. A pimped out Rolls Royce as Thach has. Yeah, Baby! Daaayum. Hahaha Congratulations to Shohei and LAD for winning the World Series. Thoughts on my Shohei Ohtani Fan Page. And oh yeah - Happy Halloween haha. For anyone out of costume ideas, here's a few - Phil Swift The Flex Tape Guy (just cut and paste the Flex Seal logo on a polo shirt, tuck it in and pull your pants up covering your belly button. Bonus for having no neck haha), Retro '80's Weird Al look (wear a Hawaiian shirt, wig, and retro '80's glasses, moustache), Bill Lumberg from Office Space (suspenders, suit pants and tie, retro '80's glasses, coffee mug and keep saying, "Yeeaah - I need you to go ahead and come in on Saturday. We're short-staffed and we need to play catch-up. Thanks a bunch"). Re-imagining of a Disney classic: Snow White and the Seven Bobby Lee's. Bobby Lee could be anyone of the Dwarves actually - Sleepy and Grumpy for sure. Hahaha. Wednesday, October 30, 2024 *I definitely wish I could try one of Quang Tran's recipes. They all look more appetizing than a lot of so-called restaurants in this country, in this world. I would absolutely believe that he was a Pro Chef at some point in his life. Halloween is known for haunts and candy. But there is a thing called costumes. I forgot about that. Roll call: Rick Lee as Bob Ross, Dumbfoundead as Napolean Dynamite, Steffi "Bake" or "Bay-eeek" haha as Chucky doll, Peter V & Yuji Okumoto as Tri-Lambs from the original "Revenge Of The Nerds", or Tomo Nakayama and the band as the Billy Corgans haha. Only C-Mac Raymond Yu would dare to try to take a shit when there is no crapper around - only in the slums of the Philippines. Fortunately, the kid didn't understand what he was sayin' - "GTFO kid, I'm tryin' to take a shit" haha. A new Flex Seal film - Flex Seal 3: What The Hell Is That And It Sure Doesn't Work!! "That's a whole lotta Caulkin'" "What the caulk was that?!" "To show you the power of Flex Caulk, I'm gonna 'Caulk' this boat in half!". Hahaha. Tuesday, October 29, 2024 I almost forgot about Jimmy O. Yang in "Interior Chinatown" - only on Hulu. Unfortunately, I can't watch these unless I'm subbed. Otherwise, it would be on my must-watch list. The trailer is available and looks exciting - an ordinary waiter with a dull, nothing-ever-exciting-happens life gets caught up or becomes involved in a crime scene or case as a witness or other. Thanks for the backstage tour, Daniel Dae Kim! Monday, October 28, 2024 *Jimmy Zhang takin' a date to McDonald's. He's certainly "lovin' it" haha. I had thought Jimmy would do more wholesome content. Not interested in this reality show he was doin'. C'mon, Jimmy. Wholesome content with a capital W. Goddman - two happy meals costing over $20? That ain't very 'happy' inducing haha. I am currently working on the "Appassionata" third movement and the Liszt piece simultaneously. Whenever I can. The foundation was already layed as I began practicing these years ago (on and off), but only got back to them as a commitment recently. Right now - the Liszt piece is on the agenda for recording sometime in the future. If I can finish and find a time before year's end (unlikely), that would be nice. Chopin is a composer most think of when it comes to beautiful melodies. There are a lot of famous pieces, and they are melodic or heavenly. Aside from the Ballade in G Minor, for me - the repertoire exudes inspiration and beauty, but doesn't go beyond in reaching musical euphoria. Perhaps the compositions aren't meant to be overly emotional. I suppose it also depends on perspectives. The rated BG blitz queue times have sky-rocketed. They should revert or undo the changes - I prefer to take my chances with awful MMR. At least you are put in a winning group from time to time. Although I stopped queue-ing, I'll have to queue a few more times just to get the mount. *Domestic karen of the day: "I'm useless? You're Yooooooos-less!!! You're a drug dealer!!" haha. Sunday, October 27, 2024 New Taipei's first game seemed like scrimmage - they didn't break a sweat. They were toying with the opposition, or the opposing team didn't learn how to defend or doesn't know how to defend haha. Or just lazy as that fat guy on the team. Still - the Super Lin Bros. got 20+ without breaking a sweat. Cupcakes or Donuts? I'd devour them both. Saturday, October 26, 2024 Numeh Mathematics-Style! Daaayumn, Thach - I'm not absorbing or getting all those calculations or mathematical jargon. As Beavis & Butt-Head would say, "Numbers Suck. There's like, too many of them. Uh, huhuhuhuh". Soup Dumpling. It's soup in the dumpling. Now, more slowly. Soup - In - A - Dumpling. The guy still didn't get it. While this is an interesting concept, how messy can get this get if you don't bite into one carefully. Sort of like popping a water balloon unexpectedly. Jeremy Lin had an interesting revelation - "Use pressure or anxiety to your advantage. If you experience them, you're doing something right or you're in the right situation". It makes sense actually. If you're only in comfortable situations, you'll never improve or progress in life. I guess this is something to learn or gain from. Thursday, October 24, 2024 I guess Bart Kwan needs to be more selective in what he eats - food poisoning? haha . Explosive Diarrhea stories are hilarious. Bart Kwan is an example or one of the reasons I'll avoid going to public restrooms if I have to shit (I'll always take a dump before leaving home), since most public restrooms are stanky and nasty as fuck (some in malls and fast food places resemble port-o-potties). You'll always get some dude sittin' a few stalls away, fallin' asleep or jackin' off anyway. And you get dookie all over the toilet. The Lemp Brewery has colored strobe lighting and dense fog galore. Or is just another bad camera management? Either way - you couldn't see a thing in that video, other than Boogie's body. Key changes definitely adds flavor to melodies and enhances them. Liszt is known for wide leaps, so this takes more finesse and flexibility than power. Also - Liszt is known for large chords. That section has a fantasy-type emotion, reminding of Mendelssohn's Rondo Caprricioso. I can't wait to finish the Etude de concert no. 1. Wednesday, October 23, 2024 Only Andrew Huang can create a chord sounding like Handel out of a cardboard box sound. Hahaha. Yeah - and thank god for the hair cut. Wong Fu Productions Break Room discussions usually don't involve anything relevant or interesting to me. Except when they start blabbing about aliens and UFO's, and how they are co-existing among us. Elon might be one of them haha, a la "They Live" Style. Either way, he looks like a goddamn extraterrestrial. Tuesday, October 22, 2024 Ke Huy Quan in "Love Hurts" and "The Electric State". Both are added to the list of must-sees. Ke apparently plays a dual role - one a villainous, jealous type and the other the innocent victim kicking ass. Also - what a surprise that a fellow "Goonie" has a cameo role. Although I didn't see any scenes that they shared together. The must-see list so far: Didi, Love Hurts, The Electric State. If there is one final recording wish ever (although this is a lifelong hobby / endeavor anyway - some things can be worked out or figured out), it would be Liszt's Etude de concert No. 1 (which I've devised a way to practice this - although a bit subdued due to the newborn). However - the actual recording is going to have to wait and it might be for awhile (until I find a favorable time to be able to go all out in the recording). As long as a pianist knows the melody, you can actually practice mostly "in-air" (like an air guitar) or whenever there is time, in sections on the actual piano. More thoughts at another time on the other blog. Monday, October 21, 2024 I definitely would be up to try the new Chicken Big Mac. It actually looks tasty or appetizing. Who doesn't like crispy, fried chicken (probably would taste like Chicken McNuggets) in whatever form - combined with the special sauce, lettuce cheese on sesame buns haha. That combo sounds scrumptious. Either that, or Randall Park and Hudson Yang were damn convincing. Hahaha. Spookywoods in Kersey Park looks different and unique - it's not the usual fare of animatronics or heavily-costumed actors. You go through horrorific scenes as if you were in a movie. This is greater than the universal one. I heard about the realism of the 13th Gate. I actually found the horror cinema one in Knotts Scary Park (I think) quite interesting. Sunday, October 20, 2024 Unfortunately, finding time to practice or play is more difficult than imagined. Since music is still my lifeline and identity (I guess a form of orgasm as well haha), I have to figure out a way. Certainly no new recordings anytime soon (until our baby hits 7 or 8 months, or if there are favorable arrangements). I'll have to recycle existing videos in the meantime as pieces of the day in a pattern. Which is fine, since it's been awhile for a lot. I am anxious and looking forward to finishing the Liszt piece. Tim Chantarangsu's peeve is relatable. I'd have to agree - would you be able to put with anyone who is insistent on bringing / keeping every furniture from their house. Marriage is not worth it if that's the case. A pre-nuptial is always a red flag to fuckin' say No. You know, the GD's. Tim Chantarangsu's first time is "with" a couch. He told us more than what we needed to hear. Hahaha. Saturday, October 19, 2024 Let the season begin - good luck to the Super Lin Bros. and New Taipei. They have some new guys (and the team in a new league *TPBL), who knows how they'll pan out or become complete busts haha. They sure don't need the drama from last season. I recommend Jeremy Lin's recent podcast with his brother - heartfelt and honest. *The irish goodbye? I would do it everytime if I was forced to go to a gathering or a crowded event (at least if I were still single). But then again - I would never go to any to begin with. Friday, October 18, 2024 Middle / Central US might be boring / bland, flat lands as far as your peripherals can see, and have the largest concentration of racist inbreds, karens or hillbillies (aside from the large cities on the coast as well as that peninsula of course). But they appear to have the best haunts. From Tampa Jay's videos - Lemp Brewery, The Darkness and some from the bayou or cajun country. Damn - Boogie or Francis. Your fat ass was blocking most of the animatronics or haunts haha. His gf might need better camera management. Who's been getting nauseated due to her swaying the camera too much as a result of tiny jump scares every damn minute haha. Thursday, October 17, 2024 I sure didn't know that. I was actually kiddin' about the pimpin' and low-ridin' stuff, but apparently - it is true. Thach Nguyen might actually pimp out his G Wagon, wear some bling, and bounce his way to his next client haha. Wednesday, October 16, 2024 I would think that Thach Nguyen's success is from experience - did you burn a carpet or rug or two in your earlier life? Nuhmeh Experience-Style! Haha. A 34M estate or house that's too airy, mostly windows or glass for walls (to me, it makes a house more fragile), and not much else other than tons of space, space and space. It's more like an elegant museum. That's your thing if you prefer to accumulate material wealth and live in the lap of luxury (and why not - most of us would, if we could. But we're just simple folks making ends meet). The more interesting and happier folks it appears are those who live minimally even if they are wealthy. You know, them popular Youtubers who are content with tiny, moveable houses or live off the grid. Nuhmeh Simple-Style! Lang Lang's Disney Album Track Of The Day: "Rainbow Connection" from The Muppets. I think this is my favorite. To me, the classical equivalent is Schubert's Wanderer Fantasy, that kind of innocent wandering or searching of the unattainable or purpose. *When it comes to the Rated BG Blitz, the correlation between bad players queue-ing and queue times is interesting. I personally think it might be a mix - not necessarily getting losing groups all the time for 6+ minute waits. However - you should stop queue-ing after 2 or 3 losses. Chances are, the system is going to keep you spiraling into 10+ losses unrecoverable skid. Thanks, blizz! It's worse than RNG gearing. But then the blizz-tards are already thinking, "Don't say we didn't warn you about Rated Solo BGs". I do believe that Tuesdays are the worst days to queue. Tuesday, October 15, 2024 All the more reason to watch or rent "Didi" - the Uncos from Just Kidding Films back in the day make a cameo haha. I have yet to rent this, and plan to. It'll be more difficult to find time, just as difficult to find time to practice and record now. Tim Chantarangsu and David So's spot-on impressions of their spouses is what it's all about. C'mon. Are you really calm or relaxed if you have to shriek louder than Roseanne Barr singing way off-key in completely butchering the national anthem. Hahaha. "I am calm!!!". Taking noise pollution to a whole, new level haha. Monday, October 14, 2024 I think Henry might be on the cusp of what a simp is. If you're trying to do too much to please a woman, that encompasses a simp. They "ain't" worth it. Henry - just dump her chicken ass. In fact, relationships are overrated. He should enjoy his independence, individualism. And he can act, think and accomplish whatever he damn wants to. Again - relationships only work if it's a two-way street (a rarity these days). It's not the only avenue to happiness, although it might make a person more happy or at peace if they are in lasting, peaceful one where both partners are tolerant of each other. Bobby is just sayin' that, I'm sure he doesn't mean it. Nobody likes flat. Bobby is as plump as a singing oompa-loompa (haha), so Bobby Lee might actually like a plump one (quick - somebody call the sorority Moooooooos). Jay Chou has a nice touch on the opening for Liszt's Un Sospiro. But my Liszt Piece Of The Day is the first Etude de concert. Which is in the works. Saturday, October 12, 2024 It has begun, again. When it comes to parenting, it's best not to overthink things. It has caused extreme anxieties and incompetence. I selected Beethoven's "Sonatina" No. 25 because it was a happy piece, and not very known. To mark the occasion. I've been also somewhat trying to polish the "Appassionata" third movement, which has one of the most influential melodies ever. There isn't a more prolific Concert Pianist and Recording Artist than Lang Lang - with countless concerts and recitals every season, collaborations, and tons of albums when he was much younger. If you do not have any individual or composer specific album, get his new Box Collection from his early years. Tuesday, October 08, 2024 May visions of 100 sugary, frosty Giant Cupcakes (they looked larger than a birthday cake) with tons of sprinkles continue to dance in Erik's dreams after that haha. That cupcake shake just sounds and looks disgusting. In beating challenges, you have to think outside the box or sometimes improvise. I'm not surprised why he only does challenges very seldomly now (new challenge after a few months - the preparation it takes working out and eating a strict diet before. As well having other channels). Fans enjoy reading into or speculating on social media posts, such Simu Liu's recent prepping instagram post. I believe it's for his new project or show, as that is what is next anyway for Simu. Monday, October 07, 2024 Holy Munchkins, Batman! I thought that was Doc Willis. Nah - it's just Donnell. Who the hell is Donnell. "Watchu talkin' about Donnell??" Hahaha. Let's put this to rest - Bobby Lee isn't only the Slept King, he's also the Fat and Lazy King. Second to me. Hahaha. "Nah, let me just play video games. You go ahead and plan everything". Haha. "Can you pick up some Donuts while yer at it?" Only C-Mac can find the best spots in SE Asia (away from the goddamn tourist spots hopefully). I think he's in a relationship guys haha. But I think he's takin' it slow. Sunday, October 06, 2024 Home-cooked foods or meals definitely re-connect with your childhood home or even the motherland. For me, it's dumplings as well - but fried Korean dumplings or mandu. I used to eat them as meals or snacks, all at once. Nothing like authentic food. As I grew up, I mostly relied on fast food or take-outs so my appetite for any home-cooking disappeared (or became less appetizing). At some point in our lives, we all need to taste that "reunion soup" again. No. 25 Sonata or "Sonatina". It's a departure from the emotionally-invested Sonatas in the later works. It's more in-line with pieces from No. 1 to 10. However - there is no indication from the score when this was composed. Still - it is a energetic, happy piece you could dance or sway to. Just as Sonatinas are. Saturday, October 05, 2024 I enjoy Tarren Mill vs. Southshore, simply because of the huge-ass AOE damage numbers all over the screen and racking up HK's haha. Only if it is lag-free. That's the catch right there, considering it's a large-scale brawl. At this point, this epic bg > blitz. Also, a good opportunity to get into 1 vs 1 skirmishes now and then (very difficult - since you'll be mobbed by others soon enough. Easier in a random bg). Piece of the day: Liszt, Etude de concert No. 1 "il lamento". Would I practice more Beethoven? Possible - I'm thinking one of the more beginning ones this time, one of his Sonatinas perhaps for old time's sakes. Or another catchy, melodic Sonata. Friday, October 04, 2024 With Liszt's etude de concert no. 1 progressing more than I thought, I'll have to figure out a time to record this eventually (once finished). It'll be difficult however. It ain't only just Thach Nguyen-Style (except ridin' in a pimped out-Ferrari down to Cali however haha. "Verse 2, now what the fuck I should do, drive a Ferrari to Cal state and chill with the Thach Nguyen Crew!" hahaha). Time is money, so don't waste it. Use it effectively to save and invest for tomorrow so you can live for the future. Don't a waste a minute today if there are opportunities. Thursday, October 03, 2024 If you take a look at the "Year of the Dragon" album, it is quite expansive. I don't remember how many from Dragon Songs are included, or how many are new. But most of them seem new, including Tan Dun's tracks from a film I've never heard. Just hearing these pieces is refreshing however, because they are different and unique in a melodic way. I haven't heard from Brian Tee in awhile, but whatever new projects he's in - it'll be worthwhile. Still lookin' for updates from the prolific actor. Congratulations for "Yellow Face" getting rave reviews. If you're on broadway, go and watch it. The clip of the actors and crew receiving photos when they were kids and reacting to them - hilarious. Daniel Dae Kim's reaction was probably the funniest. Wednesday, October 02, 2024 There's no other who can be so immersive in the music, and play / performs without looking at the keys. That's the uniqueness of Lang Lang, other than being able to memorize a bunch of pieces in a short time. Concert pianists are expected of that to some degree. Only a blind pianist like Nobuyuki Tsujii can, for obvious reasons. But his ability to learn the notes without sight is something else. New Season for New Taipei Kings, and the Super Lin Bros. are going to "Pump. You. Up." Hahaha ![]() Apparently, Xaivian Lee is returning back for his junior year. He'll get even better. Rooting for the guy for sure. Xaivian-Sanity! Tuesday, October 01, 2024 Classical Music Month, World Piano Day, International Music Day - I'm lovin' it. Hahaha. Since it's international music day, any piece on Lang Lang's Dragon Songs or his new Year of the Dragon albums would suffice. Or any Hisaishi's wonderful solo compositions. Yee-ah. I think I'll be practicing Liszt's Etude de concert No. 1 il lamento (Un Sospiro being a favorite). No rush. With the advent of the newborn very soon, there won't be any new recordings anytime soon. Still need to figure out how and when to fit in the final sections of Piano Sonata No. 31. The Fugue section is quite the doozy, but a fitting end or conclusion to the piece. I might bitch about other's snoring like a wild boar (I'd take my chances anywhere away from them), yet I find myself snoring / disturbing my toddler and wife. I don't hear myself snore, just snorting like a pig often haha. Sunday, September 29, 2024 Just take a break from Rated Blitz - play a few games, and then quit. Come back later. You can't really climb with an unreliable matchmaking system like this. Plus, the unpredictability of being put on brain-dead teams or not is worse than the odds of gambling. Well, at least it's bit more competitive at higher ratings (along with the toxicity). Work on your alts - that's my focus now. Roll call: Main - Mage (any spec on demand / frost for now),Shadow Priest, Warlock (any spec on demand / ALock for now), Devastation Evoker. (Benched - Ele Shaman). This is my 2 Live Crew haha: The "Better Luck Tomorrow" characters of WoW. I haven't practiced Liszt's first concert etude in awhile. This definitely evokes a more tender type of melancholy or somberness. It's possibly the most melancholy type melody I've ever heard. There is the beautiful type, the tragic type, and the angry type. The sub-title "Il Lamento" fits it - it's the more tender, beautiful type. I definitely won't be able to record this (who knows), but I'll enjoy practicing it from time to time. Saturday, September 28, 2024 Quang Tran is such a wholesome, breathe-of-fresh-air content creator when it comes to foods. He'll have just cooking videos, without any narration. Just filming. Or tell-it-like-it-is mukbangs. Facial expressions tell it all - "this is gross", "this is delicious" type. Keep up with the family videos! Nobuyuki Tsujii's first new label recording is Beethoven. His "Moonlight" and "Hammerklavier" renditions are extraordinary. Akin to Lang Lang's "Appassionata" recording. Beethoven has Non-Sonata pieces that are long, but have breath-taking, sweeping melodies. Sometimes, the emotions can be too overwhelming. Right now, I'm in the "Year Of The Dragon" mood - Lang Lang's new album or collection. Sometimes, you have to take a break from the typical classical composers to listen to other types of music. Karen Hissy Fit Of The Day: Bombay / Bollywood Dreams? More like Bombay Nightmare at KFC haha. The hissy fit customer didn't even take a break to breathe - it's like a one, crazy run-on vocally expressed. "Shut your trap!" "I told you to stop interrupting me" Hahahah. Perhaps the customer couldn't understand the New Delhi thick accent - I bet Apu didn't even clean his hands and didn't wear gloves preparing the food. Friday, September 27, 2024 Nuhmeh Thach Nguyen story-style! What is this, "World's Dumbest Criminals?" haha. Really - trying to stuff packs of meat under your clothes from "Not-So" Safeway and thinking to get away. Who wouldn't notice the packs sticking out all over haha. Not to mention, lookin' like an idiot or a clown. This ain't Animal House, where the gf cashier would let you get away with it. Fugues usually have 3 or 4 distinct voices. Or simply, just 2. They are like choir pieces. They have to be played clearly. The trick is to pay attention to all the notes. So often, if you only think one-dimensionally, you'll only think with your strong hand. Which is why these types of pieces require both hand competency and strength. Which is why J.S. Bach is not easy to play. It definitely helps to get a sense of the melodies as a whole, and let it flow or just let iuut come to you. Beethoven is not known for Fugues or Variations. Currently finishing No. 31. I definitely wish to finish the Fugues in this Sonata. Thursday, September 26, 2024 *Hurricane Helene is an example of the mega storms or hurricanes they say would happen as a result of global warming. Or the HFC's big-ass fart haha. And they've been saying it'll become the norm. "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine". It's good to see Ryan Higa again, only on a podcast however. He's been away from Youtube for awhile, streaming games instead. While OG's like KevJumba quit long ago, I think Ryan is taking an extended hiatus to figure things out. Ryan, KevJumba, Wong Fu and Just Kidding Films - they were our Asian-American content back in the day when society shut us out. I enjoy Philippine food for the most part (at least the fried goodness stuff) - not all. "Dunugain" or however you spell it is not one of them. If it looks like poop or has the consistency of baby excrement, it might taste like it too. Haha. I did try it once, not to my liking at all. David So got scammed by a podcast studio haha. Gotta enjoy these stories. Wednesday, September 25, 2024 Fans - treat yourself during Classical Music Month by entering Lang Lang's one-of-a-kind, extraordinary raffle where the winner gets to attend his concert and meet backstage in person for a meet-and-greet. If anything, it's for a good cause with proceeds going to Lang Lang Foundation and music education (which can use a complete re-work / overhaul as well as spreading awareness). Better than any Disneyland vacation prize that sweepstakes companies promote but operate like a gambling casino where you can't win and just take your money haha. Bury a figurine of St. Joseph, and you'll get to sell or rent the property fast. What an ad. I think we all need some lucky charms or rituals. It might not help, but it wouldn't do any harm. If anything, pray to St. Joseph to get you a pimped out G-Wagon or Ferrari to meet your client in-style. Nuhmeh Thach Nguyen-Style! Hallelujah! Joe Jitsukawa finally cut his hair. He was lookin' like an Asian Fabio for awhile with that mane (except with some fat instead haha). For all you white model worshippers, stick with Fabio. I'll miss the Joe Jitsukawa version. Tuesday, September 24, 2024 It's always refreshing to see either Mac Eats, or C-Mac goin' on some adventure - para-sailing, cable cars, and jet skiing. I guess you can say that he doesn't mind heights. What's next - sky diving? Haha Hell no for me. Drama is entertaining, but you gotta take a break from that once in awhile. C-Mac's new show, "Good Mornin' Vietnam!" new DJ right there haha. Not only is C-Mac much taller than me, he has more hair and is younger. I'm balding or thinning in the middle, similar to that "That Which Has No Life" WoW Fat Guy-Style. Fans or subscribers of Boogie2988 (aka Francis) seem absolutely tilted over this whole faking cancer fiasco. If you were duped in donating money or some scam shit, I guess I wouldn't be surprised at all. It's been several years since I unsubbed, since he stopped doing Francis and lost weight. By the way, Francis might not rage the same (No more WoW or Stop Calling Me Skinny!) - but he still sounds the same and funny as hell. *The National Hurricane Center needs new names - how about Candy and Francis. Haha. Monday, September 23, 2024 Hey, Tile Guys. Get the goddamn grouts right and tiles even or else. Thach Nguyen is lookin' at a new Ferrari. Nuhmeh Ferrari-Style! Hahaha. The second section of Piano Sonata No. 31 has a cascading melody that feels like I'm floating on clouds, or being transported to another reality or realm. Or even snowflakes gently falling without any care or worries in the world (Zhang's "Snowflakes" is quite a piece). All past digressions or irrelevancies disappearing into thin air. It is heaven-sent. I'm lookin' forward to the Fugues or Fugas. They sound J.S. Bach-inspired. Sunday, September 22, 2024 Teach For Taiwan with Jeremy Lin - the kid thought he was 45 haha. Well, that's a first. Most of us would have thought J-Lin was 25. He's actually 35. Raymond "C-Mac" Yu is a few inches taller than me. I wouldn't have any right calling anyone midgets (except for Bobby Lee who is minion-sized), since I'm average height (stopped growing after the 6th grade). You think Bobby Lee would have a chance with Mei - not likely, Mei wouldn't be into neckbeards haha. Who is Xaivian Lee. The new Asian Sensation or the second coming of Jeremy Lin. I'm rooting for him, but I prefer him hooping it in Pro Asian basketball, perhaps sign with New Taipei. I agree that he'll be overlooked. Guard-sized Asian-"Americans" or "Canadians" are often discriminated (immediately judged by how we look not skillset, at least the ones who actually look Asian and are actually full Asians only, suffer the most) - often seen as not tough enough, weak, etc. Xaivian does have some work to do, but so do every other prospect. He's quick, agile and can get to the rim. These are the obstacles we face as Asian-Americans. At this point, finding third, fourth or fifth-parties who are supportive and objective is necessary to showcase what we can do. Better yet, just create our own or stick with our own. Saturday, September 21, 2024 I had a good games yesterday (passed 1700 finally - nothing special to rated veterans). What I do, is stop queue-ing and come back later after 2 losses. It helps sometimes, but still no guarantees as you climb higher. Can I reach 2000? Uncertain with such unpredictability in what kind of group you are going to get. But so far (at higher ratings at least), they've all been competitive at least. Just get out of the rat leagues first. Haha. Sung Kang's new boxy car "Li Shou" (great name) sure can drift as well as his RX-7. Anymore sharp angles, the car might actually look like a metal box. Haha. Booyah! Dumbfoundead's clips "Adults acting like kids" - plenty of them. Which is a reason why most of us prefer just to stay at home. Also - I thought they were talking about Bobby Lee (I'm sure he was chokin' his chicken at a theater) haha. Oh right - he is a kid, or looks like a fat kid. A minion. A hobbit. Whatever. As Asian Guys go, Bobby Lee and I are similar. Although he is a celebrity (a celebrity incel haha), most of us are treated as invisible. We just need to be more aggressive in doing what we do best, and sharing that. Make plans and goals. It's more important to be yourself, and do what makes you happy rather than conforming just to "fit in" or be accepted. I'd much prefer to remain invisible or have enemies than conform. I dislike being around goddamn human beings anyway. Other than my own kind, just give me extraterrestrials or wild animals. Friday, September 20, 2024 A Sonata is not a Sonata, or a piece is not a piece without finishing the entire thing. Yet, there are sections or movements that are like standalone pieces in their own right. Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 31 is an example, but it's possible that these small sections are combined to form a movement to begin with. I'm imagining a 5-section piece for this: 1st movement, second section (allegro molto - perhaps the ending to the first), third (adagio), fourth (Fugue 1), Fifth (Fugue 2 / ending). It's probably something else. Nonetheless, at least the first movement needs to be uploaded. *Fortunately, the Sonata is coming along. It's possible to complete it, since I've been able to get in more practices. Right now, the first movement is priority. Thursday, September 19, 2024 What the hell was Rudy jules doing indeed haha. Rudy has a seizure - more like, Rudy doin' some weird-ass, tribal dance haha. I guess that's somethin' when that person sounds as if they are always asleep or need "hooked-on-phonics" to put together a sentence that doesn't take as long as a minute. Asian mothers are "motherly" in the sense that they insist on cooking even if we don't want them to, or to just take a rest. I'll always be grateful for my mother, since it's been known that I can't cook, I hate cooking, and I'm too damn lazy to. I'm the antithesis of most cooking-lovin' guys. Haha. I hear Rick Lee. Like Tim Chantarangsu, we all get caught eventually. Some of us actually end up confessing due to giveaways haha. Wednesday, September 18, 2024 I'm sure Lang Lang's new album "Year of the Dragon" is going to showcase new, Asian composers. Sometimes, if you can't find any new meaningful ones, it pays to adhere to the listenings or advices from your favorite artist or pianist for recommendations. I'm looking forward to new tracks to listen to. With September halfway over, it's highly unlikely I'll upload all of No. 31. Probably only a few movements if at all. I'm still in the process of putting our toddler to bed or have her sleep well without crying for Mommy every night, which hasn't been going well. Tuesday, September 17, 2024 Bart Kwan on the "hot seat" - getting expelled from several schools. He's my hero. Hahaha. Look at him now, he's more successful and famous than most "I Went To This Esteemed School" fucks who just end up disappearing. It's never tiring hearing the stories back in the day. When it comes to Rated BG Blitz, I'd stop queue-ing for awhile if the system is putting me into awful groups one after another. This appears to be a pre-meditated algorithm or pattern. It does get a bit better or competitive after 1400+ or so. At least it won't completely be lopsided. It pays to have alts so you have something to do while waiting out the terribad stretch. But you never know when. In the end, I do believe that playing a carry class with a pocket healer in duo-queueing have the ability to climb much easier. Also - strats that work in premade RBG's might not necessarily work in random solo-queue BGs. Monday, September 16, 2024 I'm not familiar with "Virtue Signaling", but I'm sure it also has something to do with racial stereotyping, and racism disguised as backhanded compliments. You have to be ready to say something sarcastic or witty back. Chances are, most folks are not quick enough to come up with a comeback. Or just don't trust and avoid them mofos. Rich Ting is promoting the hell out of "Tulsa King". Is his character really that badass, or just another Asian caricature? He looks like a gangsta badass fo' sho'. And if he is going out of his way to advertise it, then why not. Unfortunately, I'm not subscribed to any premium channels nor can I afford to. I'm trying to fit in the 'renting "Didi" ' expense first. Saturday, September 14, 2024 Right, yesterday was Friday The 13th. What a way to spend the day with the ultimate Friday The 13th tour, sleeping over at one of the cabins from the film. It's unaffordable for "Making Ends Meet" folks like myself. Houses I wouldn't mind sleeping over in: The Amityville Horror house or the Poltergeist house. Haha. Most of the video recordings were done on an old camcorder type camera (now defunct) - the visual quality grainy or blurry, especially when compressed. I wish I could re-do most of them, but unfortunately, no time. In the spirit of Halloween, I would re-do Liszt's Danse Macabre. Friday, September 13, 2024 This is what I'm talkin' about. Lang Lang's "Dragon Songs" was a favorite album of mine, along with "The Magic Of Lang Lang". He's releasing "Year of the Dragon". Get yer copy when it's released. I'm really getting into Piano Sonata No. 31. I probably can try to get in the first movement recording before the month is over. But I'm getting into the rest of the sections. The second section or movement takes you into a different realm. You float or disappear into a fantasy world or a dream. The existing reality no longer existing. It's a fantastic piece. I can see why Beethoven's late works are fantastic and indicative of the composer himself. The rest of the Sonata, becomes a whimsical, fantasticial Fugues with transitions into the somber, tragic reality of this dark world. Thursday, September 12, 2024 Happy Classical Music Month! Would listen to: Yellow River Concerto / "Carmen" opera. Playing / Practicing: Piano Sonata No. 31. Musical Advice Of The Day: Just let it go, and then let it flow. Don't try to force the issue. I didn't give a shit who or what the answer to Andrew Huang's musical riddle was. I was hooked on the funky beats to Another One Bites The Dust, and singing to myself Weird Al's "Another One Rides The Bus" haha. "It's smellin' like a lockerroom, there's junk all over the floor. We're already packed in like sardines, and now we're stoppin' to pick up more, look out! buh, buh, buh - Another Rides The Bus Yaaah. I would definitely trade in a "priceless" painting for a jar of pickles anyday. What should that guy have done for Choe? Perhaps take some acting lessons for his videos hahaha. Wednesday, September 11, 2024 The only pro tip for taking a shit or dump in a public restroom, is - just don't. Haha. Relieve your load at home before you leave. For me, it's just to avoid the stanky-ass, dirty-ass bathroom stalls and the foul-smellin'-ass or just plain foul-ass folks who sit right next to you in the stall doin' god-knows-what in there. If you gotta go, ya gotta go. Take it from Tim Chantarangsu or D-So, who should know a thing or two about leaving dookies haha. In a recent David So vlog, "I Have Low Self-Esteem Because Of My Weight". Nothing but the truth. You yourself determine your self-esteem, not anyone else's opinions or thoughts. For most Asian Guys like myself, it used to be: "I Had Low-Esteem Because Of My Race". And now, "They Tried To Make Me Feel Like Shit Because Of My Race, But Failed Miserably / And Are Failing Miserably Now". Now - I couldn't be even more prouder, regardless of how deformed or ugly one is. *Might I add, Tim Chantarangsu's son's big-ass head is lookin' as big as Tim's nicely round one haha. Might look like an armenian version of Arnold haha. Tuesday, September 10, 2024 While it's Ferrari all the way, I think Thach Nguyen should pimp out his G Wagon as a low-rider, and go bouncin' all the way to his next client. Hahahah. Nuhmeh Thach Nguyen-Style! Here's to much success for Daniel Dae Kim and the "Yellow Face" broadway team. Sometimes, you have to combine serious, relevant issues with a bit of humor. As long as it is authentically cast. Monday, September 09, 2024 Even the Super Lin Bros. say, Go Watch "Didi" at a theater near you. Or on VOD. ![]() Bobby Lee might not believe in Ghosts. But he apparently believes in munchkins hiding behind grave stones, saying Megatron into EMF thingies. But I would've inputted Voltron Haha. It might have been either Doc Willis or Brad Williams. Bobby Lee would've stuck out, you Minion soundin' or lookin' haha. Sunday, September 08, 2024 I'm definitely thinking about creating a free account with Fandango to rent Sean Wang's "Didi". The film is worth it to do so. It would be one of the final, extraneous expenses for awhile. I'm lookin' at Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 31. Although I won't have time to finish this (perhaps only the first movement), it probably typefies Beethoven's final Sonatas as Beethoven. Although there is a Fugue-like structure / melody in one of the sections. It's the haunted / halloween season, and I bring to you Liszt's "Danse Macabre" (this piece would've been more fluid had I memorized this, considering its length): My favorite dungeons have to be the quirky, unusual / funny ones: Cinderbrew Meadery and Darkflame Cleft. The Dawnbreaker is at third (it can be a complete mess with a pug that doesn't know what its doing, but learn it by doing follower dungeons first). I just found out Honor PvP gear is at least available. Versatility makes a difference - you'll get melted without the gear. Saturday, September 07, 2024 Daniel Dae Kim has a point. Technology in Asia has far surpassed this country and most of the world. Not just in Korea, but other parts of Asia as well. The US is more preoccupied in producing karens / kevins, and just being loud, violent and racist / discriminating to each other. We could use a button that calls a waiter / waitress instead of wasting our energy on calling a waiter or getting up to get someone. But that's just the tip of it, when there are more technological advances that we do not know about. Wanna make this country great again? Get rid of politics. Bobby Lee could go to the next con as a Fat Batman. Or a dwarf from the LOTR series - they had no Asians in it to begin with, so re-write the damn script. A dwarf Asian - that would be the first haha. I'm sure there are plenty of Fat Lara Crofts around. Jeezus - they're giving the video game bad vibes " Shit - I didn't know Lara Croft was fat, hell no" haha. With our newborn a little over a month away, I won't be able to do anymore recordings afterwards (or very sparingly or rarely). I'll list the ones I'd be happy to upload to a public platform (no more re-records or new pieces - unless they are not time consuming). Although there are a handful I'd like to do re-records with the new setting, there is no time. Albeit new pieces. *The questions is, do have I time to add 1 or 2 more this month. We'll see. Wednesday, September 04, 2024 Nuhmeh Thach Nguyen-Truth: The road less traveled by, is the hard decisions now / easy life later. Most of us just take short cuts and the easy way out now. Case in point, eating junk food as your diet and lookin' like the HFC in the distant future haha. Investing, saving, eating healthy, exercising - we take all that for granted since we want instant gratification. It doesn't mean investing in Real Estate. It's non-guaranteed occupation - in my opinion, "High Risk, High Reward, Not For The Lazy" type deal. There is The Legend Of Igloo Hong. And then there is, The Legend Of Crenshaw Cowboy - Time Traveler, Artist Extraordinaire, Protector from Outer Space. By the way, that's a nifty ray gun there. Does the protoplasm laser melt someone faster than a proton pack haha. Again, Trust in Choe to find extraordinary or interesting human beings. Monday, September 02, 2024 Finally reached 80 on my main. Took my time to enjoy questing. Again - ultimate judgment reserved until end game content is up and running, which means S1 is well underway. My favorite zone is Azj-Kahet - despite being underground, it has that TBC feel to it. Follower dungeons have been a warm welcome - instant pop ups, and the followers are quite powerful. Only drawback - they appear to pull just one pack at a time (although you can pull more yourself), and they might not go the fastest route. Fortunately, if you let the tank lead - at least there's no waiting around. Mob shit and boss shit get pulled right away, as long as you are not afk. Don't give a shit / dislikes: Delves (scenario-type activities are just bore chores for me, slow-going and you have to go at the automated pace - having to wait for dialogue and other transitional crap). New BG Deephaul Ravine - it's aesthetically new / pleasing, but there's nothing new in terms of functionality. I think most of us would prefer an ugly-ass lookin' BG, as long as it is unique, new or fun. And ally does not have a location advantage. Sunday, September 01, 2024 Geo has facial hair. Geo is a man. Bart Kwan is a simp haha. A large simp that is. Despite the humor and poking fun, I have no doubt that their relationship is fine (they are famous Youtubers / "influencers", and everyone has their ups-and-downs anyway). All relationships need reciprocity - it can't be a one-way street. Both have to have the mindset of living for their spouse. Of course - compromise so that you can do things you want to do as well. This is something I failed at - I've needed a caregiver all my life, since I've had difficulty taking care of myself. It's a learning experience as a parent. More improvement is needed. This is especially frightening and nerve-racking, especially if you're going to have a newborn. With that said, I have to figure out "balance". Sketchy The War Within quotes / NPC: Them "goddamn" fung-arians haha. Sounds like a goddamn bulgarian or a hungarian with a mushroom head. "No, Meerah - Perhaps never". High Executor Savor probably heard her sing "Dolly & Dot are my best friends" one too many times. Please - shut that goddamn trap of yours since you are so tone deaf. The voice actor as well. Haha. Saturday, August 31, 2024 I think I've heard them all - "I'm an influencer", "I'm a voice actor", "I'm a mime or whatever" video clips hahaha. So what - You Fat. Hahaha. K. 511 Rondo is a hidden gem in terms of solo piano repertoire that is not in Sonata form. It is another piece that is enjoyable to play if done properly or expressively. Some pieces are like that - you don't fully appreciate a piece until it is polished or finished. In beginning to learn pieces, it is not going to sound "finished" because you're taking it slower than the normal tempo or pacing. As a result, it might not sound very appealing at first. But keep at it. This might be the last Mozart, although I'm done with Sonatas (for recordings at least). Friday, August 30, 2024 Mental and physical fatigue comes from playing or practicing too much. Quality over quantity. Some play or practice more effectively if they don't practice often. If you have to, then put a limit to just a few hours in a day. But if you're the type that can just go on and on, to each their own I guess. But there's always the issue of being "burned out". Too much of anything is never good. Lucy was definitely pissed at the end of the episode haha. Henry has swag now, he is the ultimate 'virgin-ator' haha, like William Hung and the Red Shirt Guy before him. There's more drama and entertainment here than most Netflix shows combined. I think it's cool how fans are hookin' up with C-Mac over there, and gettin' some delicious eats. My preference is Mac Eats over other stuff, but the recent drama has been interesting. I'm laughin' my ass off over the faked MTV cribs shit as well HEEEEEEEEEH. You Milli Vinilli-lookin' Hahaha. Ah-hahahahah. Wednesday, August 28, 2024 Hey, Sungwon Cho - you should do a Wife Diss Track haha. Also - include lyrics describing when you first met her, her ass was much fatter than you had previously seen in them pics exchange haha. Her sketchy cooking notwithstanding. To be fair, at least the music isn't whiny or complaining about relationships. It's not noise pollution, but it sure isn't something I would listen to. I fall into the category of listening to parodies and hilarious shit, as well as instrumental / classical pieces. Or classic rock on the radio. Going back and practicing the Goldberg Variations again is a breathe of fresh air. Not only to exercise my fingers more, but the melodies are not heavy but just "simple beauty". J.S. Bach is a composer I have to re-learn (just in terms of the technical side) if I don't play pieces often. Tuesday, August 27, 2024 Jeremy Lin isn't one to post things publicly (at least not right away) - but congratulations to his newborn. His marriage was not revealed until years later, and now his newborn! The Lin Family might have another pro baller in the works haha. Or the successor for the Jeremy Lin Foundation. Hey, Diggy - keep Scratchin' and you'll get it. I'm sure Bobby Lee is scratchin' his Nads off, 'cause they're so damn Itchy haha. WoW The War Within release has been smooth. I reserve judgment until end game content. It's usually end game content that makes or breaks an expansion - it's been lackluster the past, few expansions. While there are useless features like delves (what else is new - there usually is useless shit every expansion), to each their own I guess. I usually enjoy questing, and take my time. In the end, I PvP mainly and that's my M.O. Friday, August 23, 2024 Acting For Action? More like "Acting For Snacking" haha. Once we run out of our snack stash, we have to replenish it. As Wise Man say, "Once you snack, you never go back" haha. Check out Sung Kang's Snack Adventures hahaha. Among the Piano Sonatas that I'm familiar with or uploaded, Beethoven's No. 26 and No. 15 are my favorites. I guess I already said or mentioned that No. 15 was a favorite anyway. For sentimental reasons. But believe you not. There are a lot of Sonatas that I do not know yet which could become a favorite. I've been trying to find Asian composers. Tan Dun's "Watercolors" has a very Asian, inspiring / tranquil melodies which depict certain poetic imagery in water colors or art work. *When an old hotel clerk is actually more spaced out and dumber than Beavis & Butt-Head combined, it's most likely that the hotel itself is a Scam business since that guy was hired to begin with. Bankrupt the place. If possible, just stick with major chains not unknown ones (since sketchy practices or employees could be hired). Thursday, August 22, 2024 Early Access release has begun. Global release for WoW's new expansion begins on the 26th. While there is no longer any type of "hype", you can still grab yer box of Lucky Charms (because they're magically delicious, approved by the Fat Guy), or pop a "Cold One" and some munchies. There is a still a semblance of curiosity or excitement for any new content. Wednesday, August 21, 2024 With Daniel Dae Kim updating that rehearsals have begun for "Yellow Face", here is an advertisement poster that they had considered (at Bobby Lee's request for an audition. Unfortunately, they only had a spot for his big-ass head on the poster haha): ![]() In less than a week, WoW's "The Worldsoul Saga" begins. I'll never waver to the fact that "Early Access" schemes are Scams from the customer POV, but a money-making machine from the business side. Once the Early Access Guys hit 80 and have to wait, I bet they'll start complaining, "There's Nothing To Do!" haha. *"The Legend Of The Red Shirt Guy (Blizzcon '10 -'19) fan page now uploaded. All Hail the Red Shirt Guy. No more WoW pages however since I'm nearing the end. With a newborn coming soon, I'l most likely won't have much time for TWW. But should try it out or play it as much as possible before then. Tuesday, August 20, 2024 That's exactly what a raffle or sweepstakes should be about - you donate to a worthy cause, and you have a chance to win a prize commiserate to the donation. All-paid-expense trip to watch Lang Lang perform at Carnegie Hall, and then a meet-and-greet would be a dream come true. And of course - Lang Lang Foundation is absolutely a worthwhile cause in music education and awareness. That, and the Jeremy Lin Foundation and the Asian American Foundation and Causes are the only other ones I'd consider worthwhile as well. Unfortunately, I cannot enter at this time but there are tons of fans who can. There is going to be a winner. So enter now! I sort of wish David So can get just get rid of ads if it gives him the creative freedom to create whatever he wants, however he wants, and most importantly - food vlogs again! Bonus - you get to hear him sing as well haha. I miss the "I Hate Diets" vlog days. Leggo! haha. Monday, August 19, 2024 Looking back, my favorite Lang Lang albums / performances: Dragon Songs (purchased years ago), The Magic Of Lang Lang (purchased years ago), and Carnegie Hall performances when he was in his 20's. (Some epic pieces were peformed, including a collab with his father). I don't know anything about bathroom shower room tiling or refurbishing. But other than dirty grouts being an issue and avoiding them haha, this is the meal ticket (if you don't want to waste your money on 'the power of steam') - get cheap-ass materials (off of ebay if you have to - it'll look like some fancy flooring), and charge high rent. There ya go. Nuhmeh Thach Nguyen-Style! Thach has sound advices, I just like to add some humor. Because Youtube content is all about entertainment as well as being informative. There's no other I'd trust. KFC is the worst of the fast food fried chicken places. They're dry as fuck, stale tasting, and as Quang has observed: been under a heat lamp the entire day. Yuck. Hahaha. Sunday, August 18, 2024 Street vendors, food trucks, state fair foods > restaurants. Or more delicious / appetizing. However, there are local eateries or restaurants (mom and pop shit) that are up the wazoo or top tier in deliciousness. You just have to look for the hidden, unknown ones that smells of oil / grease, have limited seating or small, cramped spaces and have rude service. Haha. Mikey Chen and Quang Tran can make any food look appetizing. I'm still on the fence about Homecooking food lookin' like crap. If you eat with your eyes, it is not recommended. Also - go ask Eddie Huang for recommendations. While I planned on finishing "Pictures At An Exhibition" in its entirety or in 1 recording, it is not certain at this point. However, I'll still practice it. Including some more Beethoven. Saxophone is an underrated instrument - a brass instrument used in symphonies or blues-type music / improvisations, there are a lot of nice sax solos. Probably Billy Joel's "Scenes at an Italian Restaurant" is a famous one. I didn't know Lawrence Kao was learning it. Keep it up, sounds nice. Without further ado, here is a clip of Sungwon Cho's "Monocle Guy Having A Hissy Fit Against An Airline Company" skit: Saturday, August 17, 2024 Finding pieces from Asian composers is not easy. They are out there, but they are not that known and focus mainly on orchestral work not for solo piano. In the modern era, Hisaishi is one of the most famous due to the music for Studio Ghibli. And then there's Tan Dun's "Watercolors". And I'm looking into Bright Sheng. Again - there are not a lot (if at all) piano solo works. Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 26 is the pinnacle of my recordings I feel. More thoughts on that later. I also feel it could be the climax amongst his 34+ Sonata works. I was looking into 31 and 32, and they have more of a perky, happy melody (Mozart-esque). Before 26, more emotional intensity in the music ("Appassionata", "Waldstein", No. 15 among others). After 26, the "Hammercklavier" is a bright, majestic, confident piece. It could all be coincidence. They all encompass a certain degree of intensity and subtle tenderness at times. Gotta love Sungwon Cho's skits. My favorite: Sungwon's parody (with a seriously convincing accent and wearing a monocle) of a typical "You Blithering, Blimey", tea-drinkin' karen-type foo' - "I AM a very important person. You should know I AAAAM a very important person. There's a blue check box..., I need my REKK-COMMM- Pense!! You $%#&!@*!!!" hahaha. His voice gets crazy louder, crazier, spit coming out his mouth, etc. Hahaha. I still can't get over Bobby Lee auditioning for "Always Be My Maybe" - I think the crew thought about a cameo for Bobby to be the Mini-Stay Puft Marshmellow Man at that kid's Birthday party in the movie instead haha. Daniel Dae Kim is hella fit, and looks as large as Bart Kwan. Staying active is key to good health. Check out some recent articles in some Fitness / Health articles. Friday, August 16, 2024 Bobby Lee's foot fungus and moles. Now, nose hairs?? hahaha. I think Randall Park could have his own podcast and do well. However - it's possible that he feels there is no need to or just doesn't have any interest. The issue is usually what the hell to talk about. It can get tiring and boring. Topics and subject matters tend to be more on lackluster or uninteresting crap, when I'm only hella interested in folks just talkin' about taking a stinky dump for 1 hour type in a bathroom stall haha. Or farting like no tomorrow haha. What I didn't know. Bobby Lee auditioning for "ABMM" for DDK's role. I agree - I think the they brought Bobby Lee in just for laughs. Hahaha. *Tim Chantarangsu's encounter with a Pepperoni-Smellin' driver. Hahaha. That's the Tweet Of The Year. I'm curious was she also a "Pepperoni-Lookin' Ass" or "We're trainin' here, move yer Lil' Chicken-Ass or Pepperoni-Lookin' Ass" type deal. Hahaha. Hey Diggy - it's ok. Swellin' and Itchin' - I can relate. Thanks to eczema or dry skin-induced rashes or hernia-induced rashes haha. I'm repulsive. Now can you fucks leave us the fuck alone. Hahaha. I think I did speak too soon - Awkafina in a new comedy. Simu Liu seems to be the bad guy - in a comedic role this time. New Production Update Of The Year - Daniel Dae Kim beginning "Yellow Face" on broadway. A must-see and still highly relevant. New Film Of The Year - Sean Wang's "Didi". A must-see, and a nationwide release today. Thursday, August 15, 2024 The problem with modern, pop music is that there is no innovation nor any inspiring melodies. Not like the classics where you can sing over and over. The most obvious / glaring issues: 1. a lot of the melodies are borrowed anyway (either from the classical music era, or other classics in the past). 2. Modern, pop music use the same notes and rhythms over and over, like a bot on automatic repeat. How inspiring is that. Hahah. 3. Even then, most things have become generic and bland anyway. Beethoven's Sonata No. 26 final section or movement requires strong pinkies for sure. It has a lot of hard-to-reach notes, mostly on the bass supporting melody. A lot of pieces require that a pianist be adept with all fingers, and with both hands. Keep practicing, only if you're inspired to (not because you're instructed to). Tomorrow's the nationwide release of Sean Wang's "Didi". Booyah! Wednesday, August 14, 2024 Usually, the phrase "Since I Joined Your Program" is part of scam businesses and advertisements from them wild sales pitch or hype guys haha. But success stories such as Khang (believe it or not - naysayers might have thought they asked for permission to go on a construction site to film haha), the person himself has replied to comments on Thach's recent video. And he appears to have knowledge, so it's the real deal. Daaayum! Nuhmeh Thach Nguyen-Style! Rated BG Blitz - concensus has agreed that you can't reliably climb with this mode. It's essentially Randoms without the premades, some new modifications, and a number attached. Nothing more, nothing less. The system is going to put a player playing with a not-so-favorable class in a losing group more often than not. There is still the regular, premade rated BG's. Otherwise - stop queueing and return at another time if you are on a bad streak. Or in any sure-fire, lopsided loss if you choose not to leave - just practice your 1 vs. 1's. Tuesday, August 13, 2024 So I'm browsing through Quang Tran's Pizza playlist, and I've been curious - why do the Pizza Hut videos look more appetizing haha. Homemade Pizza is a crapshoot. It can look super delicious, or can look like crap (it depends on the type of sauce, cheese, ingredients used. They can all be vomit-inducing. Or soft-ass / uncooked crust. Yuck). Quang can usually make anything look good however. For sure - Quang needs his own show, "Quan Tran Can Cook" haha. Right, Martin Yan? The dude just seems to have all the right ingredients, and just cooks our favorite comfort foods coming up with recipes or preparing quicker / more efficiently than any traditional chef. Unless your Ming Tsai. I really thought the olympics were in Beijing for some reason. Oh well, I've completely forgotten about that. Speaking of "Laughing At The Awfulness", that is not breakdancing. Looked more like some gay-ass Miming to me. In fact, I'd replay Ricky Berwick / Stickymule Guy dancing in sync over and over. Now that's dancing haha. Sunday, August 11, 2024 All aboard Andrew Huang's "HOOOOOOO"-train haha (if you haven't jumped on it already). Well, at least his new Holy single haha. Pimpin' might not be easy, but producing / creating a new song is for Andrew. To all Non-Believers: Andrew Huang has forgiven all your transgressions so you would not be casted down like the sodomites of the music world. What does my brain usually think after 10 PM: easy, snack on something. Eat a snack Hahaha. This is probably my peeve - snacking late at night. For Bobby Lee - perhaps plastic surgery and an actual, effective weight loss program (if there is one) might work for hookups. Bobby Lee might need to think - "Stretch, so I can hopefully grow taller". Right, Stavros? haha. It's ok, Bobby. I stopped growing after the 5th grade (average / semi-short height, everyone out-grew me so that makes them better humans I guess) and we're both bona fide incels. I have a semi-fat ass with deformed, weak bones. Can I roast myself even more haha. Listening to D-So's "Roast Yourself Challenge" parody. While Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 15 might be one of my favorites, No. 26 is the icing on the cake. I'll have to record the second and third sections together, as the second is more of a lead-in to the Grand Finale. Probably the pinnacle or my favorite of all Third Movements (it's like a mini-piece by itself). Saturday, August 10, 2024 I've never heard of Zootopia. But I did just hear Ke Huy Quan joining "Zootopia 2". Well, if everyone else knows about Zootopia, then it must be a big deal. Congratulations for Ke. Voice acting is still work. I'm still looking forward to his live-action film he recently finished "With Loves" or something like that. I don't pay attention to the cast hiring. If it's another "awkward" token "Awkwa"-fina hiring, then it'll be too soon haha. There are fetishes everywhere. My favorite fan graffiti "Didi" movie poster - No. 4. I don't have any social media accounts (and never going to), so I can't vote nor click on anything. If I'm fortunate, I'll just be able to view the thumbnail on a fan page. I think Korean Horror films are quite scary. Grotesque Mansion a few years ago, was quite good. Gotta update my K-Drama page for K-Films. Wednesday, August 07, 2024 Thach Nguyen isn't all about real estate pimpin' in a low-rider or a ferrari haha, but he has sound advices or information that makes sense. You can accumulate greater wealth by thinking long-term or what he calls, "tomorrow money". Just selling isn't going to cut it, as it's only about "today's money". This is also true in any kind of investing. So next time, don't picture Thach only in a shiny jumpsuit, bling, and bouncin' up and down in a low-rider. He's about "making cents" (pun intended haha). Nuhmeh Thach Nguyen Style! Why can't all Costcos have freshly baked Mini-Donuts or Donettes (the cakey / fluffy kind, that just hits the sweet tooth on the spot that you'll devour the entire pack). I'm damn sure Mikey Chen devoured the whole thing off camera haha. And how about that brownie dessert smothered in puffy cream and what is it - some sort of ice cream sundae. *Oh yeah - Happy Birthday to Daniel Dae Kim! Can I 'Has' Some Of That Delicious Cake Puh-weese? haha. If a fan can request Lang Lang to perform or play a piece - I'd agree with this answer: anything, or a new piece we never heard of. But my personal request or favorite: Schubert's "Wanderer" Fantasy (which is another epic piece I've been practicing on-and-off). It's been awhile, but I'm thinking of going to back to some Impromptus in new recordings (if time permits). Schubert does not have a large or known piano repertoire, but the existing repertoire are quite melodic and enticing. Sunday, August 04, 2024 Sean Wang's "Didi" is a must-see. An authentic, honest take on growing up as an adolescent and other experiences / observations. Fortunately, it is opening in more theaters later this month. Go watch it. It should become available to stream at some point. I'm definitely on the look-out for more interviews, coverage regarding "Didi". Chilli Cheese Fries and burgers are some of my favorite comfort foods. However - the Chilli can't be liquidy and it has to have that oily, greasy / fatty goodness about it. Otherwise - what looks like diarrhea is going to come out as diarrhea haha. Saturday, August 03, 2024 Daaayum! This lemonade is so tasty, you kids are going to become bona fide real estate / investing gurus. Or just stick with the boba / macha storefront business haha. Philip Wang and Wong Fu knows it all too well - they've expanded their business, and never once went to a seminar. Damn Thach - grilling the kids as if they were in an interrogation hahaha. Nuhmeh Thach Nguyen-Style! Shaking my head. You also lose ratings points if you happen to disconnect from the game server (out-of-our-control, but shit happens from blizz' unstable servers or spotty connections. Automatic kick-out even after logging back in). I think you should only lose points if you leave the BG by your own choice or decision. I hope to hear updates from Randall Park and Steven Yeun. It's been quiet out there. Friday, August 02, 2024 C-Mac be like, "Hey Looootheeee!! Hey Lucy you so fine, you so fine" (with Weird Al's Mickey parody in mind haha). By the way - who the hell is Lucy. The tour guide lady? I think I'm confusing a lot of folks here. I'd be too lazy to re-paint anything (albeit also too incompetent and too tired to do so anyway) haha. But hell - the landlord did the right thing. He could have kicked C-Mac out. If the lady said it was a breach of contract, then the landlord could've been more strict about it than just a "another deposit required". Legal reasons aside, there is also ethics involved. Is it right to modify anything that is not yours. Of course not. Not to me. Rentals don't count as owning anything of course. Definitely enjoying Choe's new vlog format - but keep up the Art Tutorials haha. His "All The Bathroom / Crapper Stalls At Home Depot Are Always Filled - What The Hell Are Them Peons Doing Other Than Jacking Off Or Sleeping" Adventures hahaha. Thursday, August 01, 2024 Lawrence Kao posted some behind-the-scenes fighting rehearsals - I gotta find out what show that is from. I hope "Ba" is available to stream or watch at some point. I haven't heard any updates from Ki Hong Lee in more than five years. Glad he's doing fine, recently working on a short about fatherhood or what it's like being a parent. As long as I can get the last two pieces from "Pictures At An Exhibition" comfortably, I'll plan on recording in its entirety (with repeats). For now, I'm in Beethoven mode. I've been practicing several unfinished movements here and there, but had to take a break more often than not as the emotions can get a bit overwhelming at times. To each their own. When it calls for it, you have to play some powerfully. Wednesday, July 31, 2024 Apparently, a player loses 200 ratings point if the player leaves the Rated BG blitz early. I forgot about that - thanks, blizz! haha. It might work - but won't work if the player doesn't give a rat's ass about ratings. I'm sure there are more effective deterrents. Also - how about working on an algorithm or code that prevents class stacking (a team full of underpowered classes, vs. overpowered etc.). I also forgot the company would not know how. Andrew Huang's unhinged mashup - sounds very much like Weird Al haha. "Watchu talkin' about, Steven He"?? Take a look at this person, and tell me this lady doesn't look like Gary Coleman's long-lost twin sister: ![]() Monday, July 29, 2024 *I think I found the female equivalent of Gary Coleman haha. You A Hustlaa? No, You Fat. Hahaha. "I hate cooking, I'm too lazy, etc." - I hear ya, C-Mac I hear ya hahaha. The hope is to try to record the entire "Pictures At An Exhibition" and some Beethoven before the newborn. The "Pictures" pieces are all connected by promenades, essentially brief intermissions / connecting theme or going from picture to picture, theme to theme. It is more well-rounded or proper if played in its entirety. The final two pieces however, are a doozy. Sunday, July 28, 2024 There's nothing like an Andrew Huang / Rob Scallon on-the-spot musical creations. "It's Not Content Unless You Make Content Out Of Random Content, But Are You Really 'Content' With That Kind Of Content" hahaha. Quang Tran just makes food that more appetizing. Glad I subbed. And damn he can cook well. While Baby Dragon might look like he's bored out of his mind, inside he's itchin' to eat all that carny / fair food. After all, didn't Quang try to feed to his baby Nutella sticks back then haha. Saturday, July 27, 2024 Oh yeah, Thach Nguyen knocking on ugly house doors in-style with his gas guzzling G-Wagon hahaha. Nuhmeh Thach Nguyen Style! Delicious Quang Tran-Style! Quang warning which fast foods to avoid. This is the drawback of a Rated Solo BG queue. You can be put into bad group after bad group with no end in sight. Or the opposite if a player is lucky. Even if you're calling the shots, there is no guarantee anyone would listen. But there is no choice. The only benefit to this is the automatic acceptance. If you want to climb rating, forming a premade is necessary. What constitutes a bad group: bad comps, bad gear, and bad players. This is the World of Melee-craft or Boomie-craft after all. I can't wait to try out Elemental Shams, although I have been gearing that toon last patch. Friday, July 26, 2024 I'm glad to see Sung Kang on Tigerbelly - I might re-sub again. What I did not know - Sung Kang collaborated with Bobby Lee on a MadTV sketch. I did enjoy the "Acting For Action" parody sketches haha. I enjoy serious podcasts from time to time. They both shared what it was like growing up Asian back then. Depends on where you live - while Bobby Lee "tried to fit in" by being submissive, Sung Kang fought back when necessary (or something like that - I think he shared this on other podcasts). While these problems are on-going today and for the foreseeable future, things are at least much different than before. Was that a mole I saw on Bobby Lee's head again? haha. There's a time to be confrontational, and there's a time to just scheme / plan things. The new PvP season hasn't started (not until the second week of TWW), so just take the Rated games as practice and experimenting with talents. If you have no clue, go with the recommended builds on various WoW sites. I try to configure on my own first - which admittedly, is not even close to optimal sometimes. Fire mages have been nerfed somewhat - LB is removed / nerfed. I hate talents that have that "low percentage chance of" - I try to avoid them because there is no guarantee on them. I'll play Frost once in awhile. I think ratings should be uniform for all specs on a class. Damn that we have to start over on a new spec. Thursday, July 25, 2024 Well, I'm glad that Rated BG Blitz was instituted at pre-patch. And whaddya know - a bunch of newbs who appears to have never tried Blitz. There was plenty of practice time to get to know the new Blitz battlegrounds before this. Since BG's are objective-based, you can't really carry a bunch of players who have no clue or not doing objectives. This is the issue - is there a bias in the probability that if you are ally, you'll be put into a competent, geared group. It sure appears that way. Horde always gets the short end of the stick. But never gonna change factions. Worthwhile Roll Call / Updates Of The Day: Daniel Dae Kim in the Broadway adaptation of David Henry Hwang's "Yellow Face". More relevant now than ever. I plan to completely ignore the next few, miserable years. It's literally the "End Of The World As We Know It". Just focusing mostly on Asian empowerment, support as if we only exist. Well - of course, focus on anyone I'm a fan of as well. That, and figuring out more Classical Repertoire / Piano endeavors. Simu Liu is not the only "Kim's Convenience" alumni who's been busy with work. Andrew Phung has a successful show, and now Paul S.H. Lee has a film in the works called "The Second", and is joining a show for their new season. Never heard of "Murdoch Mysteries". But his character looks like an Asian Sherlock Holmes. Even better version for sure. Add this one to the growing list of symptoms, indicating the world / society heading in the beginnings of a complete "Idiocracy". A global computer outage. Daaayum. And it's not just a simple "glitch in the system". If so - is everyone truly that dumb. Then again, nothing is infallible. This is frightening, because being at the wrong place at the wrong time - it could lead to tragic consequences. Get yer shit together, world. Wednesday, July 24, 2024 It's Weird Al-Mania! With a new polka medley, the spotlight is back on Al. Well - it always has been since his biopic made "headline news" or so I thought. I have to check out who the hell SZA is. Sounds like a familiar, same-old story hahaha. I have renewed investment or focus on Beethoven - finishing off some unfinished Piano Sonatas. A little at a time. Beethoven's melodies can be emotionally overwhelming - so I have to take a break once in awhile. There's a lot of power and grandeur in them. I've been thinking about "trying to record" the entire Moussourgsky's "Pictures At An Exhibition" as a whole. In an anthology or a collection, I'll usually record individual pieces no matter how brief they are. These days, the attention span of most listeners last only about a few minutes unfortunately haha. But who knows. If I can ever polish or finish the last two pieces: "Baba Yaga" or "The Hut On Hen's Legs" and the very proud "Bogatyr Gate". They are a doozy, and is going to take awhile. Monday, July 22, 2024 Holy bad singing, Batman! Have Alfred call Roseanne Barr or hire a random high school student who didn't make the cut sing instead haha. It was off-key or was this lady actually hiding her tone deafness - either way, this Baseball Dude seemed to hide in his laughing or giggling haha: ![]() 3AM Feeding - that's a clickbait title right there. Or the HFC is describing herself like a zoo animal about to be fed haha. We are in the beginning stages of heading into a complete "Idiocracy". No significant improvements anywhere across industries nor any real innovations, increasing safety failures in air travel and other transportations, no real leadership anywhere in sight (except D.Choe - I would vouch for this guy or anyone in Asia), nothing interesting these days to watch, etc. The list can go on. Sunday, July 21, 2024 I'll take my time, and listen to Tomo Nakayama's unplugged concert series again when he was in Tokyo. What a treat - that's what I call music. Enjoying Sung Kang's clips of himself driving around to wherever. Where is he going - perhaps there is no point in asking that. Even just joy ride is enough. My theory on "Shang-Chi 2" not happening. I think Simu Liu is just giving lip service that it is happening. If that is the case, it should've happened or there shouldn't be any silence. "Shang-Chi" was a breath-taking, fresh air of a film with Asians as superheroes for once (not sidekicks or background characters). However - the mcu guys might have given the go-ahead for "Shang-Chi" as a 'Guinea Pig' or a test just to find out if one of their films would do well during the pandemic. Now they find out it became globally successful (during the pandemic / quarantine which other films would've flopped), they'd be thinking; "Ok, let's give the ok for a sequel. But hopefully, fans would forget about it if we stay silent and make other crap-tastic, cartoonish films". I truly believe the mcu universe is dead now - definitely in quality. Absolutely lack-luster and cartoonish. Wednesday, July 17, 2024 How old is Subin? Twenty-something I'm guessing. Daaayum! Already a father, but defintely looks more mature than me (who is nearing 50). Parenthood puts you on the hot seat, testing if you are really prepared to take care of another life. I pretty much failed, as I still have a long ways to improve. My energy hasn't been there. Getting out of that single life mentality, because that's always how I've been. Single, but never interested to mingle (haha). Choe's art techniques are something artists or anyone interested in art can take a few lessons in. Being ambidextrous is a bonus. But letting go, and being able to use either hand (dominant and non-dominant) without really thinking about it maximizes the creative output. Think about an archer or a marksman - being able to use both arms, there are different possibilities or different angles. On a piano - if you want to play J.S. Bach well (or at all), being adept in both hands is necessary. Tuesday, July 16, 2024 While this entire anime / rizzing stuff is not to my taste (I think Jimmy Zhang can create better content), it is one of the trends I hear. But for sure - I did not doubt for a second that Jimmy Zhang was innocent (and he had unedited footage as evidence). If you're going to "act desperate" and falsely accuse or single out someone (I do believe he was singled out because he was Asian, thinking Asian Guys would not fight back or speak up), at least do a better job at it. According to Jimmy Zhang's posts on his "accusers", the accusations weren't very plausible or believable to begin with. Something some "desperate female / karen" would say when throwing a childish tantrum or a hissy fit. While Jimmy Zhang intends to quit this type of content (fortunately), I think he should finish what he started. I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt for most out there, but you have to be extremely cautious at the same time. Always provide backup evidence or footage. *I'm all for a defamation lawsuit - however, everything in today's society is biased, prejudiced so who knows if it's worth the time and energy. You can't trust anyone or anything. Just let the false accusers (I guess what they call, attention-seeking hoes), disappear into nothingness. It's only a matter of time. Jimmy Zhang is going to continue to thrive and succeed. Monday, July 15, 2024 *Sungwon Cho aka ProZD's mother's cooking - that's pure oxtail soup right there. Deelish. Quang Tran's 420 Munchies Feast is the most appetizing plate of food I've seen so far, certainly "The Ultimate". I'd devour all that in a heartbeat. Or the HFC could haha. Fatty sliders, ribs, wings, fries. If you thought Mikey Chen made you hungry, gotta check out Quang Tran. Quang-Tran Style! Just a regular guy who likes to eat, cook, and is just naturally funny. Chopin's Waltz Op. 42 is a doozy as well. The whimisical, fantasy-like melody reminds me of Mendelssohn's Rondo Capprioso. This'll take awhile. Sunday, July 14, 2024 The updates on Jimmy O. Yang - it's been awhile. He's in a new mini-series called "Interior Chinatown", which also stars Ronnie Chieng. A few years back, he was in "The Opening Act" (which I just recently found out) - a comedy about breaking into the standup business. There is no trailer yet - but looking forward to it. His new mini-series is only on Hulu. Again - having to register or sub to a platform just for a show or a movie. Wouldn't make sense, unless they offered a free trial. I'm glad Jimmy O. Yang is staying busy. He's still touring doing what he does best - standup. *Oh yeah - Paul S.H. Lee (the appa hoppa haha) in "The Second". Gotta find out more about this. Return Of The Mac indeed - what's been most interesting amongst today's dull and boring content. Taiwan's Triads! Friday, July 12, 2024 Daaayum - a window cleaning employment that rakes in 8K per month. That's more than a lot of bank or financial jobs haha. Apparently Thach has his kids learnin' the business hahah. Thach Nguyen Style! How cool is that. Simu Liu is collaborating with Shopify Rebellion to take E-Sports to the next level, or elevate the profile of their E-Teams. Or is he part-owner / sponsor. Regardless, Simu is not just a prolific actor - he's a musician, baller and video gamer. What can't he not do haha. Thursday, July 11, 2024 One of the most cutest and hilarious things I've seen, is Andrew Huang's toddler knocking down the camera while he was recording himself strumming a melody on his guitar. It's very much like our toddler haha. This was quite awhile ago, and I wish the video clip was available to add to favorites. Unfortunately, it's only on his instagram or somewhere. Also - Tim Chantarangsu's toddler son doing some kind of funky dance - caught on camera. Yeah, what the heck was he doin' hahaha. Wednesday, July 10, 2024 Quang Tran - you gotta be f'n kiddin' me. Jollibee's chicken sandwich is my favorite. He's like, "it's just ok". Did he even try Jollibee's fries - they're like a cross between McDonald's and Burger King (have it our way haha). Real estate investing and decision making involves finding a lot right connections - contractors, agents, account managers, whatever. Trial and error might be the only way for novices or the inexperienced, but it's costly. Or just go to Thach Nguyen for his guys haha. Thach Nguyen-Style! Daaaayum - summers are just getting drier and hotter. Friday, July 05, 2024 Congratulations on 20 years for the Video Game Pianist since the Super Mario Bros. Medley blindfolded video that started the Video Game music performance / playing trend. I only found VGP five or six years ago, but he was an influence. Along with Maestro Lang Lang and Nobuyuki Tsujii, it completely forced me to re-focus and changed the way I played or practiced. With a hint of my own. Attention to detail, concentration and passion were the key. I reckon VGP won't be a presence on Youtube anymore, but who knows. "It's too late bro - you fucked up" muhuahahahah. NuhMeh Thach Nguyen-Style! hahaha. He is goin' in-style, with a $350K Lamborghini. So that's what you did with the 'college student's' money haha. Gotta enjoy neighborhood fireworks. You don't have to go anywhere, and there's a show right near you home. Thursday, July 04, 2024 Happy 4th! No more "The Twilight Zone" marathons unfortunately. The cable company cancelled / removed the channel, in turn I cancelled all broadcast tv. We're livin' in an era of "you have to pay to watch shit", where a lot of shit is nothing more than just shit. Bart Kwan got it right. Use your fat ass to block or keep distance from your opponent (stick out your fat ass that is, yer fat ass is actually acts as a cushion or body armor) and that player backs away, go in for the layup. I call it, doing the "Fat Ass Melo Style" haha. Perhaps Jeremy Lin knows it all too well. I'm glad to hear production wrapped on Daniel Dae Kim's "Butterfly". Where is it going to be available to watch, perhaps you have to be subbed to a platform. "Expats" with Brian Tee is another one still on my must-see list. However - debating if it's worth subbing to Prime just for that. Perhaps a trial. I bring to you (coincidentally, focusing on Chopin now): Chopin's "Butterfly" Etude. I'm relieved to hear some news on John Cho. It's been awhile, and he's in a new film called "Afraid". The trailer looked creepy, however I'm "afraid" that the entire movie might be sub-par. The plot of an "evil AI taking over" is getting tiring. I have no doubt about John Cho and the cast. They acted naturally like no other from what I've seen. However - I thought John Cho's new movie was going to be some kind of jumpscare horror, not an AI film. Anyhoo - highly recommended John Cho films that tops most mainstream garbage: "Better Luck Tomorrow", "Don't Make Me Go", "Searching". Of course, his iconic "Harold & Kumar" films. Mishtah Ree would know it all too well haha. Wednesday, July 03, 2024 You're entering another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of food delivery locations. You're entering - "The Tony Zone". Hahaha. This could be an entire show in of itself. Yep - forget about door dash or ubereats. There's Tony. Hi Tony! Thanks, Tony! Fortunately, he ain't Fat Tony. Right, Homer? hahaha. Asian Cinevision Presents: 2024 batch of interesting films, short films, documentaries. I already found several hidden gems. With Cobra Kai S6 around the corner, I updated the Cobra Kai Fan page again. It's been awhile - no thanks to the writer's strike. Tuesday, July 02, 2024 I never thought I'd see the day Daniel Dae Kim in a paid advertisement haha. Advil no less. He doesn't seem the type of guy to do ads, but I think he's done it before. But hell - whatever brings in extra income I guess. What the hell is pickleball, or however you spell it. Never heard of it. It looks like an activity created by someone who felt tennis was too strenuous or exhausting, but wanted something not on a table as in table tennis or ping pong. Sort of an in-between activity as a compromise between tennis and table tennis. New content creator / foodie found - Quang Tran. Who really thought the guy would feed his two-month-old cookies with Nutella haha. The dude comes off as hilarious, just a regular guy enjoying food. Feasting on food. My kind of guy. Monday, July 01, 2024 I'm still waiting for Tim Chantarangsu's ingenious "fart detection" device haha. Or is his image in the thumbnail just a clickbait. Fortunately, we have a show like Steven He's "If Shark Tank Was Asian". I think it's only a matter of time before fan-created shows or programs become the norm. It's a slow process or baby-steps process. As slow as worsening climate change eventually destroying this planet. Here's the deal. Inventions or ideas that are first made of fun of and laughed at become actually useful after more pondering or thought. The opposite is true - an idea might be heavily supported in the beginning, but you then realize how useless it actually is. Well - I guess more often than not, shit ideas are shit ideas haha. That's a given. *Apparently, A.I. is also racist *shaking my head *facepalm *lol. Is it Asian Guys vs. everyone else? I'll take the odds. Silver lining however - we are not worrying about that. Just focusing on our own happiness, success. That's the best revenge - just being more at peace, happier and successful. Don't worry about anyone else. Trolls and racists sole purpose is to get you to worry about these things. Saturday, June 29, 2024 Thach Nguyen Style! Daaayum - a college student buying her first property, with 'a profit margin or sweat equity of six figures', whatever. I have no idea. But congratulations, although the lady looks like she is just reading off of a script very stiffly of course. Perhaps the lady 'college student' needs a few lessons first to sound more convincing haha. Listen, Thach's videos are for entertainment also. I have no doubt that they are the real deal. However - it's fun to poke a bit of fun at them. Because - who knows. Joe Seo updated! It's been forever. He's been hangin' with the podcaster team of Xolo / Jacob in the past few months. Does that mean Cobra Kai S6 is around the corner. It appears the cast is finished filming. I've been out of the loop or unaware, so I have no idea what has been going on. Friday, June 28, 2024 Chopin's Nocturne Op. 37 No. 2 has that Studio Ghibli type vibe to it, curious fantasy / childhood innocence. I'm sure a lot of classical melodies are influential. Probably one of the more trickier Nocturnes, with its cascading, running chords and tons of accidentals. Chopin is a composer who is chord-heavy. Chords (in any form or size), definitely adds flavor or dimensions to a piece. My continued prayer and thoughts for my mother-in-law. With another hilarious moment: When the follow-up is even funnier than the actual recording haha. Case in point, the lady who actually embarrassed the "86'd Guy At Dunkin' Donuts". Guy - you didn't even know that Dunkin' Donuts coffee packaging can't really be opened easily - you need scissors! Aptly pointed out by the lady. *But holy hell, lady. Breathe! I've never heard a run-on like that. Probably a world record for talkin' wilder and faster than the tazmanian devil without a pause or a break hahaha. Well - coffee packs are a crapshoot. Some are tougher than them tight-ass pickle or spaghetti sauce jar lids. But fo' sure - them Po' def "y'all be worrying' about the wrong shit!" hahaha. *Shoheisaveus: learn how to say "No". It does wonders. And go on a solo trip. Let them sit on their asses at home. Hahaha. Thursday, June 27, 2024 I trust Thach Nguyen. He might look like a cross between Scotty Nguyen and William Hung (Daaayum, baby!), he's informative, experienced and a multi-millionaire. You'd think any guy driving around a ferrari has to be a scammer haha. While there are plenty of scammers out there, Thach isn't one although he looks and acts like one. To have a social media or youtube presence, sometimes you have to be entertaining as well as educational or informative. Real estate is too much work and research involved, and there are no guarantees if you put up a lot of money. Heck - I can't even find a savings account albeit diversifying a portfolio. Once our expenses has settled somewhat (no more unexpected expenses, as in shit-fer-brains mistakes that are costly), then we can think about investing again. I'm all for Steven Yeun in Spider-Man 4, but I'd prefer Steven Oyoung (who played Mister Negative in the video game). Unfortunatey, unknown Asian-American actors are shut out. Unknown anyone else would be given opportunities. Final verdict: there really isn't a single reason, but the final episode seemed clear: AOL / Time Warner was the main reason, because the Kellner guy and the rest hated wrestling. Probably would have cancelled it anyway even if WCW had high ratings. Had Bischoff's buyout with Fusient gone through, would their "re-start" have been successful with another ratings war? Possible, as long as Bischoff learned from his mistakes. The actual downfall of WCW leading to the merger / cancellation: turning wrestling into a chaotic, non-sensical "television show" backfired. No clear long-term plans, misuse of the roster, mistakes after mistakes ("you fucked up" chants haha), everyone looking out for themselves, inmates running the asylum. Enough said. It was nostalgic re-living the era, but I no longer watch it anyway. So it ends here. Wednesday, June 26, 2024 Props to Jimmy Zhang for trying. Getting into apparel or clothing business isn't easy. Just ask Secret Society's Ed Park. Establishing and sustaining a business itself isn't easy. But definitely props and kudos to all who had the drive, determination and resources to go for it. It absolutely helps if a content creator has a large following - it seems that popular youtubers have separate businesses due to this (take advantage of it of course). A person like myself (starting from zero or knows nobody / unable to socialize nor network / ), starting a business is not recommended. Also - you have to know what kind of products might be in-demand or not. Clothing - not so much (although we all have to replace clothing due to wear and tear, we can get by on hand-me-downs or bargain clothes. Also - clothing with anime design is very niche and not for everyone). Food - it is (but highly competitive). If you are going into a passion project, hobby or career, just be yourself and never "try to fit in". You'll end up miserable or unhappy. Society usually pre-determines who looks the part or not. For me - the true hidden gems and talents are those who don't get much exposure or shut out by the gatekeepers. I tend to like their quality of content much more than everything else combined. That's the only thing that matters or exists. As an Asian, if to succeed means having to adhere to Asian stereotypes (remaining quiet and submissive), then I'll be happy to say my "Fuck You's" as well and do it my way. Andrew Huang is an example of "not fitting in", but did it his own way and became damn successful. I never had that kind of talent nor the ambition / confidence. Tuesday, June 25, 2024 *The recent "The Other Ones By Lee" comic (or what I would like to call, Asian Peanuts haha) hit hard or was relatable. I used to think I was good at an activity such as sports or other, and I'd be making all kinds of excuses for certain failures or the lack of attention. Sure - I never got the support nor any compliments. There might have been a reason for it (other than not looking the part or subtle prejudices). Silence is golden sometimes - otherwise, others (including my own fam) would have been blunt or direct about it anyway - "you suck","you are doing it all wrong", "you should do this instead" (well, these were truths I realized anyway). Haha. But it had spared me the emotional trauma of being insulted. I'm wondering (as I'm sure with other fans), what C-Mac Raymond Yu has been up to. Last update or latest video has seen him in Hong Kong. Is he still traveling, or taking a break to start something new / go completely in a different direction. Or just busy with editing videos. Some creators slow down and create / upload only once in a month or few months, or completely stop. Eventually - I'll unsub anyone who completely stop or decide to go completely in a new direction (as in pursuing other ambitions in life outside of Youtube). The fact of the matter is, there is always new content creators or Youtubers out there. It's a cycle. There are just so many drivers who are oblivious of school zones. Perhaps instituting a larger School Zone sign with Large-Ass font size lettering might wake them up haha. School zones could also be placed or distanced non-sensically also that make it not noticeable. Monday, June 24, 2024 I think Bart Kwan aptly put it well. What would happen if you put a Fat Kid (or the HFC for that matter) in a room with a slice of cake or a whole cake. No elaboration needed haha. Sometimes, a surefire winner or a clear-cut winner is not as evident as that unfortunately. Costco needs to bring back their pizza supreme, if your pepperoni-lookin' ass doesn't mind it haha. It rivals the deep dish pizza, or pizza hut supreme pan pizza back in the day. Not their disgusting thin-crust crap. Sunday, June 23, 2024 Is it really worth getting the latest system that costs well over $1500. Perhaps ten to twenty years ago, parts became obsolete quick when you had frequent software / operating system upgrades, large jumps in processing speed and graphics power - it might not have been worth it at all. Once the computer speed and power become not noticeable or seemingly is reaching its limit (as in now), perhaps only hardcore and pro gamers should only invest in that. Basic gamers or just general use - better off with Sub-$1000 system. I can't think of a more fortunate or fortuitous situation than kids or fans being able to get their toy RX-7's signed by Han Lue himself, Sung Kang. I think this real estate agent re-affirms the phrase "Dude looks like a lady" to the tee. Or is he a really a lady (can't tell - but who wouldn't notice them melons haha), especially that hairline that most fat ones have: ![]() Saturday, June 22, 2024 I've noticed that food gurus like Mikey Chen have showcased 7-11's in Asia as more tasty, diverse and delicious than anything the world or this country can offer (if at all). I can't argue with that. Asian 7-11's not only have junk or comfort food, but literally gourmet meals in a pack haha. Well, if you crave twinkies, oreos or snowballs - just go stick with your local 7-11 in "Never Heard Of This Place, USA". "The Book of Chances" or the deck of cards to inspire musical creativity, is interesting. I do agree that real artwork would be more inspiring, not AI. So it was Joseph Lin's fourth trophy - so he's won it before. Still, all the more sweeter with his brother to form the "Super Lin Bros". In the meantime, enjoying all the celebratory photos / images of the champs. More hissy fit hilarity of the day: *Fat Poker Lady - don't get pissed off just because you were losing chips haha. It's a tournament. If you let others get in yer head (rotund one at that haha), then the game is certainly not for you. *Cashier refusing to take items out of basket - it depends on store policy. I always believed that in regular grocery stores, it's common courtesy to take the items out of your damn basket. No need to act childish, and refuse to do it if the recorder is acting like an ass. Thursday, June 20, 2024 Congratulations to the New Taipei Kings for being 'crowned' as champions. Was this Joseph Lin's first trophy - all the more sweeter. The Super Lin Bros. are for real (not that clear tv bullshit haha). Now, it's time to repeat and then threepeat, fourpeat, etc. ![]() ![]() ![]() Tuesday, June 18, 2024 Here are some hilarious image tidbits from New Taipei's social media:
Monday, June 17, 2024 I guess just one more win for New Taipei - win it all! If the Video Game Pianist performed some Stardew Valley music, the game must be well-known. There ya go, Bobby Lee - keep up the 12 Hours per day, everyday. Hahaha. Father's Day is Lazy Day. Other than eating, just the "Because I Don't Feel Like It" Office Space vibe haha. Get yer "Play Tetris / Eat Cheetos At Your Cubicle" on! Other than that, I practiced some Chopin and Beethoven - the pinnacle of the romantic era / period of composers. Steven He reminds me of a combination of the "Very Cool, Very Swag I like It" eccentric Guy with a bit of Andy Milonakis or Ricky Berwick humor. Hahaha. Jumpers Jump - Ghost stories and Asians. Now that's content. Sunday, June 16, 2024 How did I not find Steven He - sign me up for Failure Management haha. Is GTA VI similar to any other gaming company releasing a trailer for an incomplete or glitchy game. No one is more guilty than Blizzard haha. Anyhoo - it's back to Vice City baby! If the game works that is. For gaming companies - it's all about hype than substance sometimes. Nothing more innovative than Tim Chantarangsu's poop or fart alert device. Daaaeeyum - that's actually a useful invention, Chino Cochino - Esse, Homes hahaha. Barbell Brigade's The Gym Guy is back! Of course - we all know to turn off our phones or mute it if we're doing something important - a workout sesh, recording, practicing or whatever. Unfortunately, The Gym Guy felt compelled to leave his phone on knowing full well his Moustached / Hairy wife might call just to make some non-sensical small talk out of nowhere haha. And remember, folks - make sure to automatically block / delete them Robocalls. Seriously, how many combinatory phone numbers can a scammer come up with. Permutation mathematics right there. Or whatever. With a lisp, "I had to pull it / cancel it. Who needs the interruptions, the aggravations. Right?" *With a generic / apathetic shrug. My peeve - being interrupted by phone calls / robocalls. Unless the caller is on the contact list. Saturday, June 15, 2024 *Joseph Lin with the game winner? Booyah! Crown The City - New Taipei, All The Way! I thought I've seen it all - extraordinary scribble / sketch art, unique Choe art. And then there's typewriter art. Typing 11,000+ on a clunky, old-style typewriter to create artwork doesn't just take talent but patience. How about them Etch-A-Sketch artwork as well. Daaeeyum. Thumbnails are obviously clickbait, and sometimes the content never matches the thumbnail. It's just a way for a person to click on their video. Except when you have thumbnail with you lookin' like some Fat Starfish or a Beached Whale, then it's trustworthy haha. A beached whale not just on the boat, but on the hotel bed as well haha. Thursday, June 13, 2024 When Stardew Valley becomes a person's reality: Bobby Lee: "Forget your vlog, I have to do this. We have to create 100 new Fibers!" haha Steebee Weebee: "Dude, you need help!!" hahaha I would watch Lawrence Kao in "Ba" in a heartbeat, but I don't think it'll be available on a streaming platform. Perhaps some independent or lesser known platforms, but I'd support them without hestitation or a second thought over lame mainstream ones. New Taipei Kings have some soul searching to do. They did come in as the underdogs and took game 1, but complacency is an obstacle to success. Wednesday, June 12, 2024 Was it "National Donut Day" last Friday. Daaayum. Now that's a holiday worth paying attention to haha. I prefer the cakey donuts, so I go to the local donut shops such as Lucky's or your grocery store bakery. It doesn't have to be free (although a bonus). I'd buy a pack in a heartbeat just for the holiday haha. Beethoven. His name his Ludwig Van Beethoven. When I take a break from a composer, it's never forgotten. But I do have several unfinished third movements, which I began to practice again. Booyah! John Cho has been absent online and although there might not be any updates from him, I'm sure he's busy in a way. That's the ticket though - stay off of social media, and a person's overall health and well-being would achieve peace and tranquility. Eventually, updates are going to occur. I make my rounds of finding updates on Asians who don't use social media - Randall Park, Steven Yeun - for example. Tuesday, June 11, 2024 *"Damn", or Daaaayum" Thach. I'm super confused - there's like, too many numbers and stuff. Uh, huhuhuh. No really - I couldn't absorb one thing. I have that blank stare. Beavis & Butt-Head were right. Numbers Suck haha. Anyhoo - Thach's golden standard in deal evaluations makes more "cents" (sense - bad pun haha) than the average guru out there. I'm curious when the Video Game Pianist is going to return to his channel. By now, fans probably know he is busy with his Marathoning career (he ran a sub-3 hr marathon earlier, placing 150th or so). He probably is also teaching and performing. Regardless, music is innate and I'm sure that is his primary passion. It just doesn't disappear. Just keep checking. No updates on social media as well. It appeared that Just Kidding News devoted a few hours or so with Thach Nguyen. That shows how interesting and entertaining a person he is, which is in short supply. Usually, they'll record several news tidbits and then edit / upload them whenever one at a time. One could be today, and a few others a few days or weeks later / down the road. Well - it seems that way, judging by the same clothes that they wear haha. I'm sure the docu-series is going to talk about Bill Goldberg's run. His gimmick: he was a Stone Cold look-a-like that would win matches in a few seconds. The cons: he had no idea how to "wrestle" (put it this way, it's like asking Mr. T to learn how to box hahaha), and worked very stiff injuring others (The Hitman the ultimate casualty). I hope they interview Gillberg haha. In the end, I have no longer vested interest in watching wrestling. Everything now, is just laughs or as they say, "shits and giggles" haha. Monday, June 10, 2024 And so it begins on 08/26/24 - WoW TWW. Or the end? haha. Well, most have speculated that the new expansion would release at the end of August or sometime in September. Should you give up on your dreams in terms of your passion project, work or hobby. The reality is, talent and optimism is not enough. Success is not guaranteed. Luck, privilege and barriers to entry are major factors as well. There are tons of talent out there who have not been able to step foot into a career yet. At this point, it's more important to sustain or support your life with regular work. You can continue to pursue your "dreams", but not at the expense of working. Better yet, just do it as a side project for enjoyment or hobby. Who knows in the future. With that said, should I utilize D-So's helpful roast segments and aim at the 'fang sisters' who think they are funny? hahaha. Pro Tip - standup is not for you. For Chopin pieces - be mindful of all the accidentals and key changes if any. Accidentals (like a double sharp or flat) can alter a melody, so they are important to get right since they were written in for a reason. That's what I realized after going back to it. I've been inspired by a particular Waltz. Excited for it. Hilarious hissy fit tidbits:
Sunday, June 09, 2024 Other than "Mindset", the catch phrase for Thach Nguyen is "Damn!" or Daaaayyuum!!" haha. You can call him "The Ferrari Guy", because that's his thing. Infomercial guys have to make it informative and entertaining. Thach is like a youthful Scotty Nguyen from Poker - "yeah, baby!" hahaha. On Youtube, being entertaining and funny (Thach is like, "This ugly building looks like a block of legos" haha), in addition to providing information / guidance is a bonus. I'm curious if Thach was the inspiration for Joe Jitsukawa and Bart Kwan's "Trinh Chanh - Fanny Pack Real Estate Mogul" skit back in the day haha. "You gonna buy a How, half prey" hahaha. One of my favorite Just Kidding Films skits to this day. Bart Kwan's character lookin' confused as ever. As Nick The Ear in Thach's recent appearance with Just Kidding News. Flipping houses, or investing in real estate is a crapshoot. It is a huge payoff - you can make tons of money. However, bad decisions can cost you a lot. If you are hesitant or not confident in making decisions, don't do it. You also have to be good at math, be extremely knowledgeable, be a few steps ahead of others for success. Most importantly, you can't be Lazy! Ok, I'm out. Hahaha. I have been working on or practicing 1 Chopin Nocturne and 1 Chopin Waltz. That's it. Now I'm inspired to focus on them again haha. When you think of piano, you usually think of either Chopin or Beethoven. It's as if it is mandatory to have Chopin repertoire in a pianist's repertoire. That makes sense. Probably the most eclectic piano pieces out there (other than Sonata form) - Nocturnes, Etudes, Waltzes, Scherzi, Ballades, Polonaises, etc. Saturday, June 08, 2024 This Thach Nguyen real estate / investment guru - he's like a cross between "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" guy in terms of knowledge and experience, with the energy of one of them cookware or vacuum cleaners infomercial guys haha. I couldn't talk anymore faster even if I tried. My relaxed brain prevents from it to begin with. I just found Daniel Dae Kim's tiktok, quite entertaining. So how did he stay in business when there have been lack of opportunities for Asians (or Asians being shut out). With a contorted mouth and a voice over - "I dunnah how I did it, I juss did it - it was hard" hahaha. *I think Will Sasso (convincing / spot-on wrestling impersonator - WCW at least got that right haha) should be interviewed for the docu-series since Hogan declined. It would be hilarious - "Ya know what Mean Gene?!!" Uh, "This Doesn't Work For Me, Brother". Hahahah. I'm still laughing til this day of his Steven Seagal and Kenny Rogers impersonations back in the day. Probably need to ask Bobby Lee to vouch for this. Friday, June 07, 2024 Is that a Chopin Polonaise I'm hearing. They are difficult repertoire (mostly chord-heavy / can get tiring on my small or average hands), which is why I've been less inclined to learn them. Unless the melodies were really inspiring, they are pieces that are also tend be well-known, played or showcased often. All the more reason not to. My favorite Chopin would be Nocturnes and Waltzes (considering they are more famous, they do induce inspiration or enjoyment). The P-League Finals: New Taipei Kings vs. Taoyuan Pilots. Good luck to New Taipei, go the distance! They probably are the underdogs. Wow, an airline that has no business class / first class. Giving more room to the entire aircraft instead - replete nice LCD tv screens, amenities, and food. That's an ideal airline - why can't others follow suit. Good find, Bart Kwan. But in the end, it doesn't matter to me - I dislike getting on an aircraft anyway (and air travel in general). Safety should always be the most priority because you're helpless in the air. Check with all the safety factors first before considering conveniences and comfort. Thursday, June 06, 2024 I have to agree that the "Outlast" series is the scariest or freakiest horror game out there now. The first "Outlast" trailer was done well - no voiceovers. Just a player's POV to introduce the game. What a trailer. Their new game, "Outlast Trails" appears to top them all. Both psychological and physical horror / terror. Thanks to Disguised Toast's run-through video that led me to check the games out more. Unfortunately, I no longer have time nor the budget to buy new games. I would have to permanently quit WoW first to even think about it. It's still possible. Otherwise, they need to try to release the new expansion earlier. The new docu-series about the demise and shutdown of WCW has somewhat renewed my interest in checking out the new competition called AEW. They have tons of talent, including Samoa Joe. We no longer have tv, so the most I could do is check out their Youtube or website from time to time. Here's my take on the demise of WCW. Ultimately, the demise all started with Hogan / Bischoff. Russo only worsened it, and the conflict culminated in the "Bash At The Beach 2000" fiasco. The backstage politics really led to "inmates running the asylum", backstage chaos, poor writing / "not giving a shit" writing, "I'm only in it for me" attitude. Turner Broadcasting was forced to cancel WCW all because of this - losing money, piss-poor ratings, fans no longer attending. Ah, The Ratings War (the only thing I remember about the college years is watching the Ratings Wars instead of studying) - now that's nostalgia haha. *On a positive note, the Top 3 most defining Moments in wrestling history and beyond: 1. Hogan heel turn and the formation of the nWo ("All the garbage in this ring represents the fans out here!!") 2. Montreal Screwjob 3. Bash At The Beach 2000 'Screwjob' or Hogan, You're Fired! live on TV 4. At least we can all laugh at either "Santa With Muscles", or "Mr. Nanny" hahahah Wednesday, June 05, 2024 A Ramyun Factory full of different ramyuns, decor / tables that are cup ramen, cooking on the spot. That's my "world of pure imagination" as well. "Ramyun" is the authentic way to say it. But ramen is westernized, and rolls off the tongue easier I guess. Has everyone become that lazy or idiotic. That's some dipshit there haha. Yup dipshit. For savory food adventures (in particular tasty noodles or udon in Tokyo and other Asian countries), I recommend Mikey Chen (jaundice not withstanding haha) and "Strictly Dumpling". I'm happy for Andy Kim. He's the only hope for any semblance of integrity and real results for the citizens of his state. I'm still a staunch believer in getting rid of the parties. Otherwise - I'll remain an independent / forwardist. A casual / lazy one at that. Because I prefer to stay away from it all. I prefer to create my own reality with extraterretrials, A.I., - anything over humans. Tuesday, June 04, 2024 *When Tim Chantarangsu's 1-year old son is like, "What the hell are you doing?! Can't you see I'm busy eating?" "Let me eat dammit, not watch you "Try" to dance" hahaha. Sorry, C-Mac: I would select the first spot visited for Dim Sum. The locals is where its at. As well as the food. Kudos to New Taipei for advancing. They got past the first round nuisance, now to move on and get rid of the next haha. The team is going to need more than Jeremy Lin to step up the futher they go into the tournament. Fortunately, a lot of other players have contributed well and just as important as the 'player of the game'. Player Of The Game usually takes it up a notch. Did Dahbeed So have a 'karen' encounter or moment? Hilarious. There is just a bunch out there that are not even recorded I bet. Just petty disputes, usually always resolved peacefully. My observation - at least 90% of the perps actually doing the recording are the actual useless karens themselves. Facts: Hope Is Not A Plan. This says a helluva lot more than a thesis or an essay combined haha. I fall asleep reading crap like that anyway. In Music - sometimes, the most beautiful or inspiring melodies are from pieces that are not complicated at all. A sheet music does not need to be filled with fat chords, or "full" of 16th or 32nd notes. While all this only proves a person's technical saavy, it doesn't really inspire much. Just a typical "WoW!" "Amazing" reaction. Besides, there are more and more just trying to out-do each other. This is what I call, "Common parts. Too many common parts". It gets tiring to me so I just avoid / delete shit. Sunday, June 02, 2024 Tomo Nakayama's anniversary concert for "Fog On The Lens" is this upcoming Friday. There are quite a few soothing, down-to-earth songs on there. I think it's important to have balance of being self-critical as well as not being overly critical or just being self-assured. But self-criticism is necessary for anyone seeking to improve. More often than not, you'll most likely not realize something if you do not introspect. Music can work both ways - improvement or inspiration can all of a sudden just happen out of thin air, or as a result of consistent self-criticism. Saturday, June 01, 2024 Either New Taipei let their guard down, or they just got a wake-up call. In terms of a playoff game, losing by a lot should be quite embarassing. They'll need to figure something out. Steebee Weebee: "You do this all day?!" Bobby Lee: "12 Hours per day, everyday" haha. Bobby Lee is like a giddy kid in a candy store. Well - his computer reminds me of a compact, budget PC for kids in captain kangaroo's romper room hahaha. Wednesday, May 29, 2024 I call K. 309 to K. 311 pieces, "the Trifecta of Trickiness". Trifecta = they are the most fun, playful of the Sonatas (310 is a bit dark / heavy however). They are also in sequential order. Tricky = they are also the most tricky or difficult (to me). One of my ambitions in life was to become a professional con artist or hustler. Haha I jest. But I can imagine however, that this is where Asian racial stereotyping would work to our advantage. I only have an online persona - while sharing my classical videos is part of me or the real me (as well as advocating, elevating or supporting Asian-Americans), a lot of my thoughts or observations based on social media news or what is out there worth paying attention to is purely for entertainment or humor. Sarcasm is all part of it to mock the sad, pathetic state of this world or reality. While I might physically embody the Asian Guy stereotype of scrawny and ugly, I'm a new character inside. Basically, it's "Pump Up The Volume" meets "Fight Club". So, Mr. Wuhan Steve - is that your biggest lie. Pretending to be Batman or Powdered Toast Man or whoever haha. At least we got to see his hair for the first time. Or some of us. Why do some of us wear hats. For me, I have bald spots embarrassingly. Tuesday, May 28, 2024 Was that C-Mac attending the recent New Taipei Kings playoff game - to confirm, I hope he has a clip of that in a new video. Keep the momentum going, New Taipei! You know when Ke Huy Quan doesn't update his social media for awhile, he's very busy. Fortunately - there is some actual, real news for a change. He finished filming! You know I'm going to watch the movie (as long as it is on an available streaming platform or for rent). Booyah. Monday, May 27, 2024 I knew Simu Liu had dance moves from "Barbie", but to mimic J-Lo. That was kind of eerie that he could resemble the moves on the spot and to the tee. I have trouble just moving my feet properly, uncoordinated as I am and have to stop and think for a few seconds haha. Film review of "Shortcomings" posted. I'm glad to hear "Atlas" became a global hit. I have yet to review it - I'm more curious about Simu's villainous role. Formulate your own opinions, as everyone has them. The most important opinion is your "own". If an opinion happens to be similar to others, it might just be coincidence. There is no such thing as following a traditional review anymore. They are obsolete. The new era - get hooked on the media hype, interviews or just being a fan of an actor. And watch it. Good luck to Eugene of the "Try Guys". I don't remember how I found Eugene or the "Try Guys". Has it been 10 years. It was planned for awhile from what I hear, and Eugene expressed himself well in terms of why. His true comfort is working not in front of a camera, but behind it - writing and directing. His discomfort never showed, from what I've seen. His on-air persona seemed natural. My favorite video to this day: The Try Guys going on the Knotts Berry Coaster several times before calling it quits. Wish they'd ride another "Oh My Gawd, Oh My Gawd" type of coaster for old time's sake haha. Sunday, May 26, 2024 Good luck to the New Taipei Kings - the playoffs have begun. From the final scoreboard, the games appear to be very close. So they have a chance at going all the way. Even if not - there's always next season. Imagine paying hundreds of dollars to attend live and the boxing match lasting only 10 seconds. It's just a show. If not - prove it otherwise. Mike Tyson was like: "Stop Calling Me Old!" "But You're Still Fat" hahaha. Iron Mike? More like, Fat And Old Mike. Gosh, what a circus. This shit is hilarious. I think they need lessons in a more intimidating and convincing press conference or showdown. Saturday, May 25, 2024 Andrew Huang and Rob Scallon's new anthem has a somewhat alternative or grunge vibe to it. The music is jammin' with the anti-conformist type lyrics (as well as the trolls / haters are just the jealous types), without sounding whiny or didactic. One thing is certain - it's a good thing Andrew Huang did not go into Opera as a career hahaha. "If you can play J.S. Bach, you can play almost everything". This is most likely true in terms of memorization. But there are pieces that are only made out of massive chords. J.S. Bach is not known for chords. There are techniques to that. What is true - what works for some, might not work for others. I think Variation 20 is the most difficult. Friday, May 24, 2024 I prefer State Fair snacks over over-priced theme parks like Disneyland. However - Disneyland is a must as a family vacation (if you can afford it), just because. Disney animation and music can evoke your inner child and innocence. Which Asian country has the best or most tastiest snacks / food. I'm sure each is unique. Some might be more known for their pastries / desserts, or others for their fatty pork, meats, fish. Shortages in the Medical field or Engineering field is certainly an issue. These are the most critical. I'll have to admit that going through extensive schooling and getting a degree is a must for these fields. Experience and competence is also a must. Persons lives are at stake. It's not like the USPS or a delivery service, where you can hire any bozo who might fuck up your delivery. Thursday, May 23, 2024 "What Da Heo" indeed. It's Nuoc Mam Style meets "Pharmaceutical" Style (*hint) haha. From high school dropouts, gang members, drug dealers to creating a successful Youtube business / empire (I lost count how many schools Bart Kwan got kicked out of haha. I admire Bart Kwan for that - especially sneaking out on "Donut Runs" from military school). As well as branching off with their own, individual businesses. Mama and Papa Kwan and Jitsukawa couldn't be any prouder. It definitely is telling. If you have Street Creds or Street Smarts, that's all you need to succeed in life haha. Being a bookworm and having a degree are no guarantees (unless you can win on knowledge game shows). I can imagine the promo or ad now. Bart Kwan: "Hai Mudda Puckas. We are running a Pharmaceutical company that'll relax your minds if you do not have relaxed brains / minds alreadeeeee". hahaha. I'm kind of liking Bart Kwan's skits as ads for his products. Get yer Protein Shakes today from Barbell Brigade. I'm similar to Ed Park 2 from Secret Society, in that I'm just completely blunt and speak my mind. However - I'm not as conscientious as to the situation or the sensitivity of the recipient. I guess it don't matter, since I don't really talk or interact anyway. Wednesday, May 22, 2024 I check in on the Jeremy Lin Foundation on occasion. Foundations such as these and other AAPI organizations should be the focus, not departmental counseling or therapy (which you'll waste money). It's unfortunate that mental health is an issue for Asian-American youths, usually as a result of the discrimination, bullying and exclusion from Non-Asian society. When they have far more potential than anyone else. It's all about their Self-Esteem. And self-esteem only improves, if you stop seeking validation or acceptance. Let the chips fall as they might. In today's world, having expectations is the worst thing. Hoping is ok however. Just be proud of you are, and be among anyone of appreciates you. As long as we remain quiet, meek /submissive (and society continuing to "pacify" us with keeping stereotypes), things are not going to change. I'm not saying to pick a fight - but at least fight back by speaking up, reporting to these institutions and perhaps actually fighting back only in self-defense. *My prayers to my Mother-In-Law for a full recovery. Please keep fighting. Nobody should give up, especially if recovery is possible. With that said, there won't be any humorous or hilarious tidbits in this blog. Not today. Tuesday, May 21, 2024 It's refreshing content when you get to watch toddlers "fight" it out haha. Tim Chantarangsu's kids are quite adorable. Have we actually seen any real tantrums or hissy fits - I guess they aren't filmed or recorded. All toddlers go through that. When content these days are diss tracks, beefing / roasting and abuse (well, they are more entertaining than any bland or over-acted content on tv) - I recommend to just step away and find toddler videos. Or escape into your passion, whether it's artwork, music or gaming. Scribbling Art of Jeremy Lin. That is quite something. Monday, May 20, 2024 It appears that Ed Park 2 (of Secret Society) nailed the entire Drake vs. Kendrick Beef down to the minute detail. If you want a complete transcript or timeline of it (with all the diss track names), hit up Ed Park. Hahaha. No, not that fat one. I'm one of them "Huh? Wha? What is going on?" type, since I have no interest in hip hop music at all. But one's attention does turn when there is juicy beefing going on. Apparently, we all luh-OHB-uh some drama. Better than anything on tv. The P-League playoffs this Friday. Good luck to the New Taipei Kings - they need to bring their A-Game. Or the Fat Guy's, "A-Train" body as a meat shield / enforcer haha. Sunday, May 19, 2024 * I think Taika Kwan has a future in screenwriting or film writing. There needs to be a complete re-set or restart in the industry from all the staleness or blandness. I can't say the same for Bart Kwan's 'acting' haha. His moustache is on point however - but initially, I was like - which Kwan was this. I couldn't tell. 88Rising is a platform (and even a label) for rising Asian-American / Asian artists or musicians. Most of the music is not really my taste or type, but there are a few hidden gems. To give Asians the opportunities to shine. In any industry, we have to create for ourselves. Rich Brian is well-known, I'm curious if he's performing in all the "Head In The Clouds" events. His fast, catchy beats / rhythmns is what caught my attention. I'm just waiting until Jimmy Zhang begins his new journey with new content. Something more down-to-earth, such as the video about experimenting of being a father for a day. Speaking of the "Enter: 1999World" ad or partnership video, I prefer Enter: 2999World. Perhaps the future isn't as glamorous as the past - if the world even exists by then. Goddamn them 1999 PC's - with Minesweeper or Solitaire as go-to games, and that "C'mon dammit" saving or uploading bar you stare at for the longest time on that huge-ass CRT while waiting to get out of the office on a Friday. Saturday, May 18, 2024 *Costco shopping is where its at - although it can get hella crowded, and hella expensive (depending on amount of stuff needed to buy). I agree with Henry Cho - The Highlighter Guy might be the easiest type of job haha. Oh yeah, what about the Greeter Guy - "Welcome To Costco. I Luh-OHb U". However - I don't reckon that it's that easy to inpsect a long-ass receipt with the amount of shit in the shopping carts. Of course - that takes a bit of experience and skill. Otherwise, everyone would be shoplifting (ethics apparently no longer exist - except for us). "Suture Sound" is an interesting channel from Andrew Huang. Most content creators have second or third channels. As long as Andrew keeps updating now and then. They are filled with interesting gear, instruments and sounds. I've become a fan because Andrew Huang is a talent who thinks outside the box, and does it his way. And his creativity out-shines most everyone. Go buy and read his new book. I think New Taipei needs to figure out how to beat teams other than the Steelers, who are not really good to begin with. They probably can beat teams like the Pilots or the Braves, but they haven't done so consistently. Or are they experimenting with lineups or have injuries affected them. Friday, May 17, 2024 I no longer have time to try new video games. I barely have enough for just WoW, even then I'm on the fence of unsubbing. But I need to try the new Battleground Blitz in rated form. However - I heard good things about "Elden Ring". Also - "League of Legends", however - there is no solo mode. I enjoy FPS horror stuff. So MoP remix is 95 days - that gives you an idea when the new expansion might release (around Sept. or after summer). That does not really follow the summer timeline of that inaccurate "road map" haha. The Blizz-tards have always been slackin'. They probably all play Boomkins to even have a chance. C-Mac's reaction to having to take a dump in an "outhouse" is hilarious. But sure - I'd react the same way. If you have to go, you have to go. Just get in, and get the hell out. Also, cow chips. Did they happen to eat any in their stew haha. Couldn't be worse than that Grimace Shake hahaha. With that said, Moussorgsky's "Cattle". A slow, lumbering piece of cattle moving or plowing the fields. I heard Mendelssohn didn't really consider the "Songs Without Words" pieces as standouts if at all. Just some brief or short pieces to add to the repertoire. But some of them are now considered standouts or performance-worthy. Thursday, May 16, 2024 Jason Cheny updating or posting on his Youtube - subbed. The dude is hilarious. He just tells it like it is, or speaks his mind without really thinking or giving a shit. Which is why he is the ultimate roast master. He'll roast anyone with a funny lookin' head or face haha. Watch out goblinheads or babyheads and even fatheads - Bobby Lee. Hahaha. I'm always glad to watch Tomo Nakayama's performances, whether it'd be just a snippet or a full concert / music video. I'm curious if he has a new album planned or in the works. Rich Ting's involvement in this new film "Karma" looks interesting. Also - catch him in various cameo roles in different shows. With more details, more thoughts. With Daniel Dae Kim returning to Broadway in "Yellow Face" (and the audio version releasing), I hope a featured-length film could be made with the same exact cast or players. David Henry Hwang - what a playwright. Tuesday, May 14, 2024 I have one more Mendelssohn. I think this'll become a new favorite, on par with the Scherzo a capriccio and the Rondo Capricioso. It might take 7 days to wander around and find "heaven" for Bobby Lee, because his soul would be confused to begin with: "Huh? Whaa? What happened? Does anyone know where my Playstation is"? hahaha. Are the bad friends crew really going to be on Family Feud. "Top Ten things that can induce a heart attack". Bobby Lee: "Eating broccoli because I hate it" haha. I thought the Bart & Geo "Taking A Dump On Their Backyard" story would only be on Patreon haha. Walter Hong's story is understandable (if there are no port-o-potties or bathroom rest areas for miles), but this. Either way, hilarious. Monday, May 13, 2024 With the proliferation of Diss Tracks, are they going to become the new norm or the new fad haha. Parodies have always been trending to me. The latest: Jason Cheny vs. Dahbeed So. I would enjoy watching a Mariel vs. D-So podcast. I don't know what's worse: breaking your promise to your hubby, or hanging up and telling the guy to die. Either way, both during Mother's Day of all holidays haha. I don't think just an "apology" would cut it, perhaps 3 Full Korean bows. If Mariel can ever "wise up" that is. I've been enjoying "The Other Ones By Lee" daily comics. Not that Bobby Mish-Tah Lee haha. Finally they touched on AAPI Heritage Month. All day, everyday, every month. VoidGG "voiding out" the competition without losing one match. All of a sudden, they just decided to turn on the switch and voila. Are they the new dominant team. Sunday, May 12, 2024 I am not a car enthusiast - but Sung Kang is. I just want to get from point A to point B in the safest and quickest way possible. However - I definitely won't consider anything that is too atrocious or I feel boxed in like one-of-them "A Car For Munchkins Or Bobby Lee" size or type haha. Sung is involved in a new podcast channel called "Car Stories", so I wouldn't know nor have much interest in the subject matters with the guest. However - there might be a guest from time to time that is recognizable or familiar. I would definitely like to see either Roger Fan or Jason Tobin on at one point. Or the BLT crew - to me, the greatest film of that year or era (erases any other films that came out during that decade). Oh yeah - Happy Mother's Day to all mothers! Saturday, May 11, 2024 I heard about New Taipei terminating the contract of their Big Guy, due to "conduct detrimental to the team". Throwing tantrums on court, and sabotaging game play by throwing tantrums like a 2-Year Old, goes far beyond "detrimental". More like, outright "sabotage". They did the right thing. They are better off without the Big Guy, they at least have the Fat Guy hahaha. Good luck to the New Taipei Kings in the Playoffs! Some movies to watch: Randall Park's "Shortcomings" (still have to watch it), Lawrence Kao in "Ba" (if available on a streaming platform), Justin H. Min in "The Greatest Hits" (unfortunately, don't have the platform), and Simu Liu in "Atlas". I hope "A Great Divide" (Ken Jeong's serious role - who would've thought) gets distribution. Or at least a mainstay on a streaming service. It's a subject matter that can be sensitive, but definitely relevant and highly important in today's decaying society / world. Friday, May 10, 2024 Some actually useful advices or suggestions come from Youtube content creators (some sure know what they are talking about or just out of their asses - perhaps even the fake Dr. Phil haha. For sure, most real ones are just a waste of space). On Andrew Huang's social media, he responds to this: "Discomfort is the compass". I always thought it was the opposite - a red flag or warning to avoid whatever it is discomforting. These days, there are some truths to this. If you don't overcome discomfort, you'll never learn or grow. However - you do have to adhere to some red flags when it comes to potentially dangerous situations. Extra! Extra! Read All About It! Exciting News Of The Day - Bobby Lee got a haircut haha. While he now looks 21, he looks more fat and his eyes look more far apart or closer together. Sometimes, you can't tell. Hook that Andrew Huang brainwave contraption to Bobby Lee's head, and there might not be any activity. Bobby Lee would be like: "Huh? Whaa? What's Going On? Oh right - Billy Dee Williams" haha. *Simu Liu's AI character reminds of The Terminator - calm, calculating but intimidating. What a Sungwon Cho skit. Bonk! The "Masked Maurader" faints to the ground haha. Bonk! Bop! The second hefty "Masked Maurader" (something out of your local Wrestling circuit haha) faints to the ground. Thursday, May 09, 2024 For me, I can appreciate C-Mac being transparent about what he's doing. Instead of doing what is trending, he's doing positive stuff and creating awareness in impoverished places of the world. At the same time - of course, being entertaining, No BS / In-Your-Face type of content. I'm glad that he doesn't hesitate to be confrontational as well. But I'm sure he's smart about it. Questions that preoccupy my mind: Where in the world is Raymond Yu going next / what is he going to do? And what project / collaboration is Maestro Lang Lang is going to do next? It's way too early to determine what Lang Lang's next album or concert touring is. Also noteworthy - Nobuyuki Tsujii has a new record deal. As an exceptional concert pianist himself, Tsujii's concerts are not availble to watch (except live) nor are they streamed. So how do you pronounce Steffie Baek's last name? Bay-eeek, as in "Bake-Me-A Cake", or just Behk. I'm familiar with a Peter Pay-eek - Not Peter Porker or Spider-Pig haha. I'm more or less familiar with all the Sonatas. But I think K. 309 - K. 311 are the most difficult or the trickiest. Wednesday, May 08, 2024 I especially enjoy Mikey Chen's food journey through Tokyo, Seoul, and down-to-earth / authentic towns or villages in the motherland. There is no other. Instant Ramen or noodles is comfort food, like Pizza. I could literally live off of it haha. Although not healthy at all. K. 311 to me, is one of the pieces that epitomizes the sound and playfulness / light-heartedness of the composer well. It is one of the trickiest Sonatas however. Which is why I have to re-practice, re-practice, re-practice, etc. Tuesday, May 07, 2024 Since I subbed for this reason, I've been curious how "Disguised Toast" got his name (like the randomness / quirkiness) - This Guy Is Toast. Get it?!! Food Fight!! Hahaha. I hope Jeremy Lin continues to play well - and remain healthy. Good luck to New Taipei! Apparently, in the P-League, there are multiple seasons. Interesting. Roll Call tidbits:
Monday, May 06, 2024 *I also am in the opinion that Simu Liu could have second career as a Singer / Songwriter. A recording contract perhaps. His voice is soothing / crooning, at least he doesn't have obvious falsettos or sound off-key as others haha. The songs he writes however, are just not my type. Just work on establishing your Youtube Music (upload more music videos), and it'll take off. Why isn't Simu really promoting his new movies. Usually, what he promotes or advertises on his social media, might be worth watching. Jason Cheny vs. Dahbid So "You Look Like / Your Eyes Are So -" Diss Battle. Some hilarious shit haha. Recommended Diss tracks on my playlist: D-So, "Roast Yourself Challenge" Tim Chantarangsu, "Wife Diss Track" Sunday, May 05, 2024 I think Sungwon Cho should record a Diss Track of his wife's hilarious or tacky taste in music. Well - it couldn't be worse than her cooking haha. Perhaps - but if that's how the songs are (Sungwon Cho usually does an impeccable impersonation or just a deadpan mockery / parodying), the persons behind the songs should find another hobby. How about flipping burgers. Asian-American Heritage Month celebrations / events is what only matters at this point. Booyah! See ya, wouldn't want to be ya. Saturday, May 04, 2024 I am also a sucka for cool-looking devices / gear, emitting colorful lights and producing breath-taking sounds. Even if I have no idea what they are about, or how to use them. Andrew Huang tidbits - if you are going to make a toy instrument for kids, make sure you hire someone with good ears or at least a competent musical background haha. Bart Kwan's fat ass looks more like plump donuts haha. Hissy fit tidbits - what's worse than a self-entitled customer going at a fast food employee. A fast food manager going at an insubordinate employee. Take Wendy's - the insubordinate should have been suspended. No need to throw a tantrum and make yourself look like a fool haha. I don't think I've heard anyone yelling or shrieking that abrasively loud other than a 2-year old not getting snacks. Thursday, May 02, 2024 *I think Tim Chantarangsu should write a Diss Track about Russell. "Homeboy" he ain't haha. How to improve "No Chaser" - no guests. Hahaha. Somebody already said it, but I'll say it again - Fat. Or lose weight. How many times can a barber fuck up your hair or hairline haha. Especially if you are prone to falling asleep. Y'all gotta watch the hissy fit episode about some barber fuckin' up someone's fade. A fade made to look like one of the Three Stooges haha. "That's not a fade - that's your hair running away from your face!" haha. I hope both Steebee Weebee and Bobby Lee can air out their grievances, and have a podcast with their mamma at some point on The Steebee Weebee Show haha. Not only drugs questions - but to Bobby Lee: why are you still fat, And why did you have a frizzy fro at one point hahaha. Wednesday, May 01, 2024 *So I thought Jimmy Zhang already became a father haha. Apparently, it was an experiment to find out if he's ready. My Guy - nobody is ready. Some just are more mature than others at parenting at an early age. I suppose the "Rent-A-Kid" business could be profitable haha. Happy Asian-American Heritage Month! It's every day, every month for me however. Apparently, Andrew Huang is as funny or hilarious / witty as he was back then (13 years ago) as he is now. I personally think he can make a second career as a comic or comedian haha. I still find his work back when was still in school more enticing and creative than most modern music today. I immediately look for new AAPI videos - depending on coverage, information and how thorough it is. Also - any new AAPI content creators in any industry to sub to or watch regularly. Tuesday, April 30, 2024 "Tuileres" is sort of a tender, innocent piece - children playing or being mischievous (and being admonished by their Nana). It reminds me of some Scenes from a Childhood pieces from Schumann, except more atmospheric. You can probably imagine or picturing Fallon running around like a mischievous imp haha. When classical meets comedy. Asian-American Heritage Month is almost upon us. I'll be focusing on Film Festivals, New Projects. Monday, April 29, 2024 I had thought that Jeremy Lin was out for the rest of the season, but I'm glad he's back. The Super Lin Bros. are back. Good luck to New Taipei for the rest of the season. Bizet's Habanera was just an appetizer for the Toreador Song. If you haven't seen "Carmen" or snippets of it, then at least watch "Up" for Mr. Frederiksson's theme hahaha. Or Bart Simpson parodying the Toreador Song. My criteria in subbing or watching Astronomy / Celestial videos - authentic or real imagery, good graphics, robotic (non-accented) narration, thorough explanations or highly informative (a person would have to learn something new and not some damn repeat as there are a lot of the same types of videos out there. How can you actually stand out, is the question for me), and no ugly human beings present in the video. At all. Especially lame-ass interviews, unless you're Michio Kaku. This absolutely surpasses PBS or Nova haha. Sunday, April 28, 2024 When a layover becomes a stopover, and you can enjoy delicious, cultural foods as in Fiji. Such is the traveling life of my guy Mikey Chen. His videos always gets me hungry or induces cravings haha. Not the traveling part however. Unless I can magically appear in a country (I have "Beam-Me-Up, Scotty" phobia as well so that wouldn't work. Fortunately, the technology is pure sci-fi only). What a treat to see snippets from an old AWC game - where Cloud9 enjoyed sniping Trill within 30 seconds of the match haha (some hefty, unexpected crit or proc that induced laughter I think). Is Chanimal preparing his Druid. Balance / Boomies have been OP all expansion. If there is time, why not I guess. Or is Chan is "just" preparing now. We're comin' after you Trill, you McLovin'-lookin', hahaha. Saturday, April 27, 2024 Sometimes, it's only about down-to-earth videos or vlogs - such as Sungwon Cho's home cooking with his mother or Steebee Weebee taking his mother Costco shopping. And by the way - I hate raisins. Haha. More please. Friday The 13th Part 20: Ricky Berwick Takes Manhattan Actually. Hahaha. I think Diss Tracks are hilarious - as long as they are real. Hahaha. Parodies can be a form of a diss, but it is more light-hearted. Andrew Huang / Rob Scallon's new track - "Dead To Me". Nice title haha. As sadistic / dark as it is. Friday, April 26, 2024 *I have to settle for Microsoft Clipchamp. It's a very basic video editing software, but it does its job. For OS being over-priced, they better have included bunch of software. I've noticed that a lot of software companies (overseas HQ ones) have contact support listed, but never bother to actually answer or never bother to pick up their lines. As if no one is actually doing their jobs there. They are businesses to completely avoid, as they have shit products to begin with. I'll settle for Microsoft I guess. For now. Youtube is another media platform that needs replacing. Unfortunately, none of any startup media platforms have gained any traction. It's only a matter of time before they flop completely (or they already have). Sort of like a sour burrito not digesting well haha. Youtube Shorts are the only saving grace - I usually focus on them, since they'll have snippets of interest. "Choe Shorts" are the Go-To shorts. They say more than the entire Youtube trends combined. I'm happy for Arnold Chun, his new short doc / film has been funded and has found a sponsor. We need more of these quality, educational projects. Thursday, April 25, 2024 I'm happy whenever the Video Game Pianist uploads, although it's been few and far between now. I think he's training extensively (as well as other endeavors in Music not pertaining to Youtube). He is legitimately cultivating a second career as a Pro Marathon runner. The piece before "The Hut On Hen's Legs" has a very morbid / dissonant sound, I might include this. Again - these pieces depicts pictures or paintings / imagery (sort of like "Night Gallery" in classical music form). Wednesday, April 24, 2024 I think the "The Hut On Hen's Legs" (sort of describing some grotesque contraption) is the most difficult of the "Pictures At An Exhibition" pieces. It'll be a fun one (including "The Marketplace"). With the start of WoW DF PvP Season 4, queue times for Battleground Blitz have come down somewhat - and it appears Horde PvP'ers have returned somewhat. Randoms have been more competitive. Even though going into 1 vs 2 or 1 vs 3 is a sure-fire beatdown, I still do it. If the opposition is terrible, I'll win however haha. I'm "fired up" for returning to Fire Mage. Although they have the highest burst, they are the squishiest of the 3 specs. Frost has been fun, with the most slows / snares and survivability. Arcane has been Arena players' choice, perhaps because of better mobility and sustained damage. For me - I consider defensives and survivability more important than outright damage (crucial for any 1 vs. 1 since you don't have a pocket healer). Tuesday, April 23, 2024 *Should Watcher Entertainment be forgiven. I don't know - but it no longer matters. There were only a few shows I was interested in, nothing else so it doesn't matter. All follow-up videos that are disguised as "apologies" are just "damage control" and nothing else. I think the Just Kidding News crew (with special guest Dante Basco haha) nailed it in their assessments. Daniel Dae Kim's "Butterfly" is shaping up to be one helluva show. It is filming in Korea, and takes place there (only appropriate). And they were able to hire some K-Drama stars. Right now, this is the only program worth looking forward to since it's been quiet out there (or there has not been any news at all nowadays). Do talk shows still exist. Podcasts have taken over in this era. I haven't given them a second thought since 20+ years ago. With that said - Fallon still looks boyish even with his hairy face. I have never seen the guy with facial hair - always boyish / clean-shaven haha. Sunday, April 21, 2024 Doesn't Tim Chantarangsu kinda look like Dante Basco up there on the stage haha. I think Tim might have a career in standup - it sure ain't easy. You just can't crack jokes and elicit laughs. Sometimes, most of the funny stuff are completely unintentional. All Tim needs to do is go with his mastery of Puns, and imitate the Jello Pudding Guy. Recipe for success. Hahaha. I have one more Mendelssohn, and it'll be complete. "The Marketplace" from "Pictures At An Exhibition" is a dynamic piece. You can picture the hustle and bustle of a market or even a mall (for modern times), customers quarrelling with each other or with merchants. Customers frantic in purchasing stuff and in a hurry. This might take some time. There are a few more pieces - certainly not all of them. The dissonant, non-melodic sounds takes getting use to. But they are all thematic, encompassing an underlying theme as a whole. Saturday, April 20, 2024 The greatest intrigue right now, is where in the world is Raymond Yu (aka C-Mac, Mac Eats, Mac-Venturer). He's also a true humanitarian - taking time in his videos to give back to the needy or the less fortunate. I think this is why he goes to the poor areas, or areas "tourists" would avoid. Hell - I prefer "avoiding" these goddamn "tourists" to begin with haha. I'd like to see C-Mac travel around Asia more, although I doubt he can go to the Far East countries nor would they have the temperament to handle C-Mac. Who is DOA? He's the "Defenders Of Ants"! He ain't Ant-Man but even better - Ant-Man ain't got nuthin' on DOA haha. Forget about "Defenders Of The Universe" haha. Let our inner weirdness take over, because there is no such thing as normalcy anymore. Steebee Weebee as Conehead, Bobby Lee as Fat Powdered Toast Man, and Ricky Berwick as the new Handi-Man haha. It was about time I upgraded my system (fortunately, found a decent deal). Taking it to a repair shop over and over, the labor costs and over-priced maintenance fees sure adds up and was no longer an option. I had the same system since I moved here with a few upgraded parts (due to system crashes / infections) with an obsolete Windows 7 - probably one of the last few who still had it, because too lazy to upgrade and the operating systems are completely over-priced. Plus, I hate windows systems - now they require you to have an account with them just to log in. What a buttload of crap. Create an OS that can take over the market, and I'll gladly be your personal slave. It might never happen. Friday, April 19, 2024 *Good luck to Watcher Entertainment - they were interesting and humorous. But a resounding "Hell No" for me. I don't pay to watch stuff (except for the occasional renting a movie) - what we "making ends meet" folks do is having to "pay our bills" first. This is why we cancelled our network TV from xfinity months ago. Nothing worth watching there. I personally think that subscription-based content should be premium content, while at least upload some stuff at the basic level for free. But of course - everything has become a business model. Even blizzard is in the business of transforming WoW into a Microtransactional game with nothing to show for it. I enjoyed "Ghost Files" for what it's worth, but in the end - it's always about "money talks and bullshit walks". The reality is there is always new content creators out there, or ones just waiting to be found. It's how I found Watcher to begin with. Nothing lasts forever, or in this case, not even a year haha. Tuesday, April 16, 2024 *I just recently found Bart Kwan's vlog adventures. It's interesting how he claims that the main purpose of the trip was to visit the Blue Pool falls area, yet most of the excitement comes from eating all the delicious foods haha. How many scenes of pancakes, snacks, etc. Countless. Wasn't Bart Kwan supposed to help pack instead of recording haha. I guess that's why Geo gave that stare and "Chaos is coming" look. Or Geo might have been just pissed that she had to shave again. I'm glad to hear Tomo Nakayama is collaborating / playing with his colleague again - they made a nice duo. When he returns, he has that anniversary concert for his first album at the locale where he produced and recorded it in its entirety. The acoustics at some places rivals that of concert halls or even better. Other than Lang Lang's recording / performance of Bach's Goldberg Variations at the church / chapel or whatever that place was (Bach's resting place), there isn't any better acoustics nor greater achievement than that. I'm just beginning to find articles on Justin H. Min's involvement in his new film, "The Greatest Hits". There are some interviews with them. Music evokes emotions, but evoking memories. That's a new one. For me, it's only about emotions. Because my life is devoid of memories - only leftover / generic or vague emotions of being treated invisible or used (of course - some of us Asian Guys were too plain, ugly and never stood out at that time. Even now - understandable, so Have A Nice Life, Have A Nice Death. Let the world end. Hahaha). Music is just a medium for expression or as an outlet. There is nothing else. Back to "The Greatest Hits" - I hate love triangles, but I can relate to themes involving music. It's fortunate I guess that I'm mildly autistic - I cannot feel that emotion nor sympathize any longer. My focus for the rest of my life, is to just improve as a parent and find more energy to devote myself to my family. It's just going to get more tiring and overwhelming otherwise. Saturday, April 13, 2024 "Local Adventurer" are fun Youtubers who are of course, adventurous and vlog their travels / experiences to interesting places. They also review travel gear and other equipment. I'm also enjoying the new "Mac-ventures". Speaking of Youtubers or content creators, I'm glad that Jimmy Zhang is switching gears and doing something different. He's quitting what's been trending (there's too much out there, and it's all the same shit. They have been stale and dull for awhile, but loyalists and followers are going to always watch). He has been doing it for quite some time, and sometimes - you gotta do what you gotta do to get established or make profit. Now that he is established, he can create stuff that actually makes him happy. And of course - settling down. Another "I Want More Sauce" situation. Please - is there any sane reason to throw a tantrum about "Getting Only 1 Packet Of Sauce" at Popeyes of all places haha. You can politely or quietly go about it, and if they still don't give more - quit going there, or take your business elsewhere. Friday, April 12, 2024 *Tim Chantarangu's son is already 1 years old. Babys and toddlers throw tantrums. He seems "well-behaved", at least on camera haha. Who can resist them chubby cheeks and curious, roving eyeballs - the definition of adorably cute. I think his vlogs are genuine. The "Dudes Behind The Foods" guys were talkin' about how parents were using their children for clout or views. Shame on you, "Cry For the Camera" lady haha. Which D-So character is your favorite - Ball Handles, Mr. Wuhan Steve (or ask Careful Boyz Steve about that), or Jose Kim haha. For 20+ / hr, I'd work at McDonald's in a heartbeat haha. I don't see any Asians working in the fast food or service industry however (except in our own businesses). It's just as well, considering the increase in karens. Instead of pretending to be a werewolf, goddamn - just tell the driver to pull over cause you gotta take a shit. Hahaha. Thursday, April 11, 2024 I didn't find Andrew Huang until he become known for creating / composing songs with unique requirements to them, or creating songs out of ordinary sounds. This kind of unique talent does not exist these days. I wouldn't say Andrew Huang is One Of A Kind, but he's up there. It was refreshing to watch Andrew go back and roast or reflect on his old songs when he first started out. This was back in the day when the internet was in its infancy. Where knowing traditional HTML and other dynamic coding was required. I still maintain the traditional style - it allows to have a layout to my intention (and no crappy, pre-existing layouts such as today). Congratulations to Maestro Lang Lang on his Walk Of Fame. His success story has been inspiring, and play style has inspired a lot of young pianists to learn more pieces. Also - congratulations to Billy Joel's 100th show at MSG. Has it been that many - all sold out from what I hear. The longevity has been astounding, and still going strong. Unfortunately, it comes to an end in the summer. Who is Eric Wei - Venture Capitalist and Financial Advisor / Planner for social media gurus or celebrities. Another articulate, highly intelligent youngster - makes most everyday folks look too ordinary. Even myself. Finances and numbers are just too much for me haha. Entrepreneurship or startups are some of the most difficult endeavors in life. But it might be the only way to bypass / dismantle the "gatekeepers". Who is Stephen Oyoung - need to find out more. Wednesday, April 10, 2024 Daniel Dae Kim has been made an honorary citizen of Seoul (definitely noteworthy) - He is also in Korea as his new show "Butterfly" is in production / currently filming. For sure, he ain't there to sight-see Cherry Blossoms haha. In honor of the show "Butterfly", here is Chopin's Butterfly Etude awhile back: Monday, April 08, 2024 I'm certainly interested in trying Ming Tsai's "Ming Bings". But they are limited in availability - would have to place an order. They look delicious - most likely are. 'Simply' because "Simply Ming" is Simply Most Delicious. It's been quiet in terms of any new projects for Asian-American actors or creators. I'm sure there are - it's only a matter of time before there are updates on them. The beauty of music are the possibilities of interpretation. Whatever or however it affects you. I'll say it again. There is no motivation or no point if there is no passion. I have no idea who Dan Schneider was or is. But he sure does look like a creep haha. Certainly a bag of jello or blob back in the day. Sunday, April 07, 2024 Lazy Sunday tidbits: How did not I find out about Arnold Chun earlier. He definitely emits that real talent aura. I hope his new project becomes a reality. There are more out there waiting to be found. Jimmy Zhang can be entertaining, but his thumbnails are certainly misleading haha. They give the impression that he's hookin' up with all these ladies, when the actual video is about traveling and interviewing random folks. Still, they are entertaining (depending on the topic - gaming, anime, etc.). What they call UFO's, Unidentified or Unexplained, there is usually always an explanation. It is just not evident nor provided for the sake of ratings and drama. I believe in extraterrestrials as much as I believe in pigs flying. At a microbial or amoeba level, it is possible there is life out there in that sense. World of Warcraft or WoW is pretty much a dead game to me. If queue times for the Battleground Blitz continue to exceed 15+ minutes, it's a no-brainer to quit the game permanently (no more expansions). However - it is possible that all the Horde PvP'ers have temporarily quit until the next season or the next expansion. I've considered other fantasy games such as League Of Legends (free to play), but it is not really a single-player or solo player content. The only saving grace for WoW is that it has that somewhat. Saturday, April 06, 2024 There is no other father who can 'father' two kids than Tim Chantarangsu, in terms of giving life advice very casually (as if his son completely understood what he was saying, or just drooling about that next snack). And of course - they do have the same big-ass head haha. What do you get when you combine the dormitory residents from "The Ringer" with "The Bad News Bears"? The cast of "Sweet Dreams" haha. The ragtag crew of lazy underachievers (and mostly fat) haha. Well - it was a surprise to see Bobby Lee in it, but when you consider what it's about. I guess it's no surprise. It'll be fun watching Bobby Lee get hit in the nuts haha. And that's the 'Action Point' haha. Modest Moussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition" is a monumental piece. Artistic in one sense, nationalistic on the other. It emphasizes the landscape of the composer's homeland at that time through a musical journey of "paintings". Some very atonal or dissonant pieces. But if you are going to describe life, then sometimes that's what it's about. I'm not sure if I'm going to tackle this (perhaps a few). Briefly read through this, or tried to. It requires attention, getting in the mood, and clear expression. The new "Quantum Leap" sequel was a great show. I'm sure the cast and crew are going to move on to other projects / endeavors. They told a lot of exciting stories within 2 seasons. I'm looking forward to any new projects from Raymond Lee. He clearly has a bright future. But like with other Asian-American actors, only if opportunities are there (which they are not unfortunately). We have to create for ourselves. As Choe aptly points out, it's all about "creative destruction" now when it comes to the status quo. Friday, April 05, 2024 To view Choe's portfolio, you can visit his Pinterest with a lot of his artwork. And I'm sure there is much more. Why did I not find this guy earlier in my life. The arts (as well as music) is a form of escapism, therapy and pure peace. I always believed - the point of art and music is to become one with it and immerse yourself in enjoyment and inspiration. There is no motivation or point if there is no passion. If you can make money off of it, even better. For some of us at this point doing them as a hobby, it should suffice. It is part of who we are. My prayers and thoughts for Taiwan. Hopefully, the numbers don't go up. On a more humorous / light-hearted note, let's turn some negatives into positives with these tidbits.
Thursday, April 04, 2024 I figured Shohei Ohtani is just warming up. He'll get in the groove. I'm just waiting for all this bullshit / clickbait sensationalism to die down before putting up / updating my Shohei Ohtani fan page. Speaking of marathons, I think the Video Game Pianist might be training for a few more. When livestreams are conspicuously absent for months, he's busy with something else. The creative process and music production thoughts / gear thoughts is always interesting. There is only one Andrew Huang. Is Mike Tyson too old to fight. He's like "Rocky", always coming out of retirement / never knowing when to quit. The fact the fight is labeled "exhibition", is telling. He ain't going to "eat nobody's children" this time haha. This is going to pull in a lot of viewers or audiences. They should actually advertise or market this in Wrestlemania instead. Don't they do these kinds of promos or circus performances now and then. Wednesday, April 03, 2024 An update from Ke Huy Quan - apparently, he's begun filming. And of course - I'm looking forward for further updates on his new film. The question of the year regarding fast food chicken sandwiches - Popeyes or Jollibee. In terms of spicy chicken, Jollibee all the way. I've enjoyed their chicken sandwiches however. This is just as important as which burgers are go-to: Five Guys or In N' Out. Five Guys, since portion and taste wise they are up there. Also - Five Guys is available across the country. In N Out is limited to only 1 or 2 states. Shame. I wouldn't be surprised at this certainty - Popeyes > Sungwon Cho's wife's cooking haha. I'd prefer to take my chances with Popeyes. Tuesday, April 02, 2024 Mac Eats, Mac Travels and Mac Observes / Commentates - Raymond Yu is livin' the life. You gotta give credit where credit is due - he is fearless (it appears). And informative, entertaining. And how about that sidekick he has haha. With that said, "The Adventures In India" - already hilarious haha. Street food over there might be a bit sketchy (but no doubt delicious). You might want to call Dr. Vim from "Harold & Kumar" to give a proper checkup after eating that haha. The food needs to pass "nothing short of proper health standards spectacularly" haha. Monday, April 01, 2024 The music video for 88Rising's "Avocado Shake" is quite 'tasty', but I'm not so sure about the actual shake or beverage itself if any haha. Well - I'm sure they'd put sweeteners in it. Rich Brian apparently can be found on 88Rising Youtube. I'm not sure what happened to his personal Youtube - stopped uploading there. More Choe videos woohoo - between Choe Clips and his own Youtube, there are plenty to catch up on. Just found a documentary to actually watch (explicit one at that haha). I was inspired to learn Mendelssohn's "Scherzo" by listening to a Horowitz recording. This is a piece driven by the rhythmn, dynamics and staccatos. Essentially, the atmosphere of the piece was my state of mind at that time. Chaotic and frenetic. The dynamic markings, "con fuoco" or even "agitato" usually refers to a more aggressive or high energy approach. Not necessarily speed (that would be allegro or presto). There's a fine line to how much to invest in the dynamics or others. It is definitely open to interpretation. It's actually the tempo and unending chords / phrasing that made this difficult. But all the worthwhile. Sunday, March 31, 2024 Ryan's Guide In Running A Marathon: 1. Don't train haha 2. Just experiment and see what happens a la one of them Youtubers do (result: cramps, sore feet, wobbly / jello legs after mile 8 - but kudos, he did finish). Haha 3. Come back home only capable of crawling There ya go. But to his credit, he did finish it. Only after 8 Hours. I'm not a runner myself - I get winded right away. We are all out-of-shape. Marathons are about both physical and mental training. You have to have the mental fortitude (as well as being in-shape or fit) to finish it. After all, 20+ miles sounds overwhelming without a car haha. Saturday, March 30, 2024 Congratulations on Tomo Nakayama's 10th anniversary vinyl edition of his first album, "Fog On The Lens". I was introduced to Tomo via Goh Nakamura a few years back. They have the type of music that is down-to-earth, relatable, and just simply - music. No whining or complaining. Other than classic rock, these types of local / indie artists are the way to go. I'll have to check out more songs from that album. But "The Darkest Of Seasons" is a good one. Growing up, the only 'mainstream' bands I listened to was Nirvana and The Smashing Pumpkins (I believe there was real angst / disillusionment or pain embedded in songs - which makes for better creativity). That's it. Of course - without an identity or knowing who I truly was or enjoyed, I just followed the crowd. It sure sucked. Haha. Other than classical music and indie / Youtube artists, classic rock such as Billy Joel or Elton John. They are still icons with iconic songs. And of course, who could forget Weird Al. That's been like, a consistent / permanent haha. These days, the quality of music has gone way down. Now it's all a competition of who is the most famous, popular and makes the most money. Go for it. Hahaha. Friday, March 29, 2024 What a treat. Even for one movement only, it was mesmerizing. Livestreams of classical performances are rare. Either attend in person, or if it is available to stream - you'll have to register (which is going to cost you eventually. In the end, it's to their benefit). I never register, it's as sketchy as pre-ordering. To get the whole picture, you'll have to listen to the entire concert or Concerto. The essence of the entire work is in all movements. Sometimes, there are a lot of pieces with individual movements that can be standalone pieces in their own right. I think Sonatas are like that. Interesting tidbits about various renowned conductors. What else is new. Pac Arts Movement has a new film festival. Some of the film clips definitely looks interesting. That is all. Thursday, March 28, 2024 Happy World Piano Day! One of the most important days / events of the year (Lunar New Years, Asian-American Heritage Month). Play to your heart's content on this occasion. Watcher Entertainment also has a new podcast. Might subscribe. Andrew Huang is not only knowledgeable, but eloquent in words and syntax. His words flow like music, logically sound and making sense at every sentence. Agree to disagree as well, but for the most - I agree. Check out this excerpt from this link ( Some notable passages:
"Pictionary nation, vocabs amazing, difficulty Asian, shining bright, any night, I'm a man with a plan and I spit it tight" - line from "Rappin' Without The Letter E" (My Favorite Andrew Huang's composition). Tuesday, March 26, 2024 Solo podcasting is a novel idea. No one is really doing it, mainly because having a party of two or more is more entertaining as well as the comfort level in talking as conversations can just flow. I doubt there are a lot out there who can hold their own in talking about a topic by themselves. Almost no one. Most would probably just stutter like myself. The Mike Song story about his father is always inspiring. But scary as hell situation. You have to watch one of them survival programs of how folks have gotten lost for days, but eventually rescued. While adventure hiking or high-risk activities might be an adrenaline rush for a lot, it's something I would never do. I just stick to the cautious approach, even having to err on the side of caution. Even in regular hiking, things can get sketchy or dicey. Just stick with trails or parks where there are clear, visible path and signs. And be prepared before driving to it. Monday, March 25, 2024 Lawrence Kao in "Ba". The trailer is here, and it looks creepy and tragic - which makes for a quality drama and horror. Add it to my must-watch list, only if it's available on a streaming platform. Hopefully, eventually. If Brian Tee re-appeared as Dr. Ethan Choi, I'd probably watch the new season. Otherwise, network TV is permanently cancelled for me. Nothing worth watching, everything is on a streaming platform anyway - Amazon Prime, Netflix or Hulu / Disney+. "I Have A Dream, That One Day" - that there would exist an Asian-American TV channel or network featuring their films and shows. Not likely to happen. But a fantasy. If the new "Avatar: The Last Airbender" S2 were to film anytime this year, they'd better do it soon. Or else a time jump would be necessary. Everyone might be out-growing their roles haha. Except Daniel Dae Kim - eternally youthful. Sunday, March 24, 2024 I survived the trip. Well, more than that. Enjoyed the time with family. And just as important, to refresh my mind, spirit and re-energize myself. I think staying home most of the time and not going out can have a detrimental effect. It can make a lot of folks more anti-social and negative ninnies. This is not to say that I'm comfortable with traveling all of a sudden. It might take awhile. I believe Shohei Ohtani is innocent (or hope). I have no further comment on this. Is any attention being paid to baseball games. For me, not at the moment. Film reviews of "Fast X" and "Barbie" forthcoming. I'm glad to see Justin H. Min in a new film called "The Greatest Hits". I'm not too thrilled about another love triangle theme or story (I have yet to watch Simu Liu in "One Trues Love"), but music is a theme that piqued my interest as well as Justin H. Min (a potential to be a star, but we all know the automatic hate from general audiences and scarce opportunities when it comes to Asian-American leads). How cool is that. Tim Chantarangsu met Adam Richman at a hella expensive food event. Please - just indulge yourself at a State Fair where the food is hella better for affordable prices. How about meeting Guy Fieri and asking his thoughts on Tim's "Thai Fieri" parody hahaha. Tuesday, March 19, 2024 I'm glad to hear that Maestro Lang Lang's new Camille Saint-Saens album is doing well. I'm not familiar with the composer. I agree with supporting or showcasing lesser known composers or works. I think there is beauty or unique-ness in all genre or forms of music. Some more than others. It's just that, a lot of it is not my type at all. While there might be a reason why certain works are usually never played or listened to, composing itself is not an easy endeavor. Going back to what the Just Kidding duo of Joe J. and Bart Kwan were saying. Yes - in the end, the entertainment industry is driven by money. But don't think for a second that racism is not involved. It is apparently, in-grained to these people. This is why Asian-Americans have to create for themselves first and foremost. I did not know that they were considered to be in a "In Living Color" re-boot. Interesting. I wouldn't be able to live on an island. I get sea-sick just thinking about it. Just as I might get air sick thinking about planes. Monday, March 18, 2024 You can say that Bobby Lee sold out. You can say that Bobby Lee let himself be a butt of jokes. The fact that he's still thriving is a testament to a certain respect fans have. Of course - his style of humor is not suitable for general audiences, nor is it entirely to my taste as well. I'll usually avoid them. I think only Bobby and Tino can go at it each other because they've been around each other for how goddamn long Bad Friends existed. So let's clear up the debate once and for all - what exactly does Bobby Lee look like? A walrus, a barnacle, a worm or a hobbit? haha. I thought the New Taipei Kings season were over when they were ousted from EASL. I'm certainly not familiar with their schedule. Now that Big Byron's back, they only need Jeremy Lin. Joseph Lin was the hero with 19 dimes. I think he's capable of carrying the team. I guess Fat Guys are not uncommon in basketball. Ever hear of Tractor Traylor or Big Baby Davis? hahaha. Just when I thought I was gettin' bored of podcasts, Dumbfoundead gets Bobby Lee, the Just Kidding creators, and of course - Rick Lee's big ass head and his baby haha. More thoughts on the Just kidding crew's thoughts on having a career in Youtube and the plight of Asian-Americans in the industry. I agree with some, but I also disagree with some. Tuesday, March 12, 2024 "Avatar: The Last Airbender" - almost done. This has been a visually stunning, very entertaining / humorous adaptation (and authentic as it comes). Probably my favorite fights or scenes involved Bumi or Fire Lord Ozai (there wasn't enough of this character - yet). But practically every character was interesting - probably would need to watch the original animation to find out how interesting or authentic. Friday, March 08, 2024 Before there was "Ghost Files", there was Buzz Feed's "Unsolved Mysteries" of the paranormal. Both Ryan and Suga Shane are veterans apparently, investigating quite a few reputable haunted locations. If anything, you can watch Ryan Bargera in all his clean-shaven, youthful glory (looks like 15 year old haha). And Shane being, Shane - a skeptic and a clown haha. The show is informative / entertaining, authentic (I mean, they don't turn a show into a fictional horror movie) and certainly no shortage of humorous banter and dialogue. I personally think that the paranormal can never be "solved". Either you believe in it, or you don't. There are evidences that suggests that the paranormal exist (no bullshit type of evidences). The evidences that genuinely catch Ryan or Shane by surprise (they might be actually real). Otherwise - they'll banter on with their humor. Thursday, March 07, 2024 I'm happy to hear that there'll be two more seasons of the new "Avatar: The Last Airbender". And Philip Wang is correct in his Boba interview with Daniel Dae Kim: "We Don't Talk About That Crap". It doesn't exist to me. This new Netflix "Avatar: The Last Airbender" is the only one - authenticity at its finest. Sort of similar to "We Don't Talk About Bruno" from that Disney film. It seems that the cast were also in on it, as they appeared to hold in their smiles or laughter. I think it's all a skit. Also - DDK's comments gave it away anyway haha. Wednesday, March 06, 2024 It's time to finish Beethoven's No. 7. Mendelssohn's "Scherzo a Capriccio" is propelled by its rhythm, dynamics and staccatos. Daniel Dae Kim is both eloquent and direct. Which is why I watch or listen to any or all interviews from him. For me, the only safe assurance is to stay on the ground - not in air, or water. I guess I wouldn't make the cut as an Airbender or a Waterbender haha. I don't travel (unless I drive or unless I have to). Safety is top priority - which is why delays and cancellations are necessary sometimes. Just shut that company down already. Sunday, March 03, 2024 I'll need to find out more about Justin H. Min's new film, "The Greatest Hits". He's another actor I haven't heard in awhile - he stars in the must-see film from Randall Park called, "Shortcomings". It's been quiet - no worthwhile Lazy Sunday tidbits. Usually there is. Except - it might be worth signing up for Ricky Berwick's Patreon just to watch him come up to unsuspecting folks a la Andy Milonakis style haha. Saturday, March 02, 2024 Another informative and candid article / interview with Brian Tee. Asian-American actors such as Brian Tee and Sung Kang are not really recognized by the Asian-American media or sites. Is it because they are too old (well, there is Daniel Dae Kim), or their repertoire / resume doesn't stand out? Even if so, they are still quality works. It's a damn shame, but then there are supporters or fans like myself who do the supporting and watching instead. Despite that, they have been in some good shows / films (not all). As far as Bobby Lee is concerned - that is understandable however haha. He sold his soul - still, he has that hilarious "presence". Perhaps it's because he might be the first Hobbit Comic. Despite uploading only 1 new video every 1 or 2 months, Erik The Electric continues to astound in his eating / calorie feats. As well as being as creative as possible. There are just too many mukbang / foodies doing the same old shit - "try all of this at this place". They only take 1 nibble or bite and move on. Lame. Also - I think Erik has other channels to focus on as well. Friday, March 01, 2024 I can't get enough of Tim Chantarangsu's Jello Pudding Guy impersonation haha - LiL'Q might have thought it was actually that guy. Toddlers or kids are much more braver than I when it comes to traveling or long-distance trips. So why does Ricky Shucks look like a BBQ chef hahaha. What I learned from Lang Lang and Gina Alice's live stream - Don't eat too much. Hahaha. Maybe that's been the problem or issue all along. Thursday, February 29, 2024 The "Quantum Leap" Finale had it all - it definitely delivered. And a villain with a punchable face haha. The presentation was convincing enough. However, he was somewhat of a sympathetic character (hellbent on vengeance - very telling that Ian recited "The Wrath Of Khan"). If this is it - kudos to the cast, writers, directors, and of course - the bosses. There definitely is a lot of exciting new stories to tell. The silence or lack of updates on a new season is never a good sign. If it is the end - the Finale ended in a way that could work as a Series Finale (not completely a satisfying one, since Ben never made it home as well). But both Ben and Addison ended up back together, with new adventures. Sort of how the first "Back To The Future" ended - with them heading into the future. But they ended up with a trilogy. New Youtube Content Creators galore - "Disguised Toast", Pro E-Sports team owner / manager, Streamer, content creator / entertainer. And they're all twenty-somethings. They are the future. Interesting name - I can imagine Bobby Lee as a Fat "Powdered Toast Maaaaaaan". Propelling backwards in the sky with his high-powered Farts to a breakfast table near you hahaha. Accessories sold separately - sponsored by General Mills and Mattel haha. Joe Jitsukawa would have made a fine Superman haha. I preferred him in "Acting For Action W/ Sung Kang" - "He Who Sit On Tack, Should Rise Again". Words of wisdom. Wednesday, February 28, 2024 I browsed around Video Game Pianist's channel, and found some gems - his Classical Music knowledge and abilities, especially identifying pieces just by looking at or site-reading only a few measures. Of course - multiple choices helps in the process of elimination (especially if the Key that the piece is in, is part of the piece title and you can sort of figure it out that way). I have not listened to a vast array of pieces, so this was difficult. I got only a few right ("Aquarium", and "The Flight Of the Bumblebee", and some other). A very rare live stream from Maestros Lang Lang and Gina Alice. Due to time zone differences, it wouldn't be possible to join. However - the video should be saved. How did I not find Kong Pham earlier - is he a Motivational Speaker, Self-Help Guru, Podcaster, Entertainer / Content Creator, or all of this? Probably all of this. His upbringing is relatable or sympathetic. Just one act of kindness from his father changed his life forever. That is inspiring. Ke Huy Quan would've been proud. Ethan Yau - Poker Player Extraordinaire. He's even younger than Sean Wang (just call us "gramps" I guess haha). The New Gens are rising. I've been also browsing around "Just Kidding Films" videos again. There are some hilarious skits. If you want to see Joe Jitsukawa in all his bald or hairless glory, that channel is a must. Probably used to seeing him now with his hair longer than Fabio's haha. "Expats" has become my must-see after "Shortcomings". I think it's worth temporarily subbing for Amazon Prime for this. Tuesday, February 27, 2024 *Thanks again, Daniel Dae Kim. "The Treatment" interview was highly relevant and important - My new crave - Jollibee's Spicy Chicken Sandwich meal. The fries are on par or better than McDonald's. At least some places - keep fryin' it crispy and salty (and pour them on as Five Guys does). Thanks, Daniel Dae Kim. Watching behing-the-scenes rehearsing, especially for fights is always interesting. In fight choreography, I'm sure some moves are inspired by or directly taken from real martial arts moves. Or - you can improvise and use them in real life fights. At least the ultra-quick awareness or reaction times. Daniel Dae-yyy is the real Zadd-yyyyy haha. I'm not sure what this means, but it sounds humorous. Oh yeah - he's goin' to Broadwayyyy as well. I'm getting ready to log-in and begin watching some Netflix again. Finding the appropriate time - the first thing I'll have to watch is Randall Park's Shortcomings. And then binge on the new / improved "Avatar: The Last Airbender". And then check out "House of Ninjas". The list goes on. Monday, February 26, 2024 As the song goes, "Say It Ain't So". Rest In Peace, Park ChungHee. The Allentown Pak Family - the only relatives I have ever known. Or at least I don't think there is anyone else. Which family was Joongsun actually. I had some nice conversations with my elder cousin long ago. I'm emotionally numb and stunned. Amadeus' "Requiem" playing in the background. Sung Kang - it's rare that you'll find interviews with the iconic "Tokyo Drift" star. I know he's been busy with car projects, car shows, podcasts, endorsements, etc. The interview with Dumbfoundead is candid as they come. I definitely believe that Sung Kang had the talent to become a prolific actor. In white hollywood however, Asian-American actors are practically never considered or usually passed over (characters not created for them other than minor or sidekick roles). All the award-winning films with Asian-American leads or Asian-American films that tell our story have been created by us. Created by Asian-Americans. Believed in by prolific / quality companies like A24 or receiving funds through fans / winning in film festival. Facts. I'd have to side with Gina Alice for the most part - Coffee (all day and everyday), Minor keys, can't decide on composer (depends on my mood). However, I disagree with both Lang Lang and Gina when it comes pets. Cats all the way. Or more preferrably, no pets. I might be more suited for stuffed animals, since pets are a more tiring responsibility than babies or toddlers. I'm getting ready to log-in and begin watching some Netflix again. Finding the appropriate time - the first thing I'll have to watch is Randall Park's Shortcomings. And then binge on the new / improved "Avatar: The Last Airbender". And then check out "House of Ninjas". The list goes on. Sunday, February 25, 2024 The Steam Deck - what a portable gaming system. How many games does it have. The cost of it is just not affordable - it's as much as a decent laptop or as much as 3 billing periods of a utility bill. Sheesh - perhaps, if we won the lottery or something. What a track / beat - Andrew Huang and Rob Scallon's "Pizza Blades". Catchy beats, and spittin' rhymes like no one else. I've been waiting for something like this for awhile, not since "Rappin' Without The Letter E". By the way - can I get extra cheese with that? (for my pepperoni-lookin' ass if anything) haha. Disneyland - The Happiest "Crips" On Earth haha. Things always get more interesting when the Double Macs come to town. Since there is nothing going on these days, I just went back to watch some old "MacVentures TV" episodes (even if it's the end of it given the current, unfortunate situation). Even when I'm talking (which I usually hate to do), I'm still so goddamn lazy so I shorten phrases as much as I can: "Nawumsayin", "usaysumthin", or how about - "Watchutalkinabout, docwillis". Splendid t-shirt ideas haha. Saturday, February 24, 2024 Here is an informative article: "Expats" is certainly a show that would be worth "renting" (only available on Amazon Prime). It is getting rave reviews, especially the performances (in particular, the leads). Brian Tee seemed in awe as well. His performance was exceptional from the clips seen. The new "Shogun" appears interesting. It's unfortunate that all these programs are on premium channels. I already said "Goodbye To The Cable Guy" haha. Increasing fees and rates would have most unsub or delete. I wouldn't watch network TV even if it were free. When approaching Mendelssohn's "Scherzo a Capriccio", I think about the Super Mario Bros. main theme (light and bouncy opener) with some other intense piece. There are sections that really have that "scherzando" atmosphere - the trick is to approach it that frenetically without compromising any notes or the tempo itself (if my fingers can allow it) That Fat Mamma throwing a hissy fit at the bus driver might need lessons on how to talk to her daughter in front of the driver as well haha (if her vocals went any lower, I could have sworn it was some Fat Dude having a tantrum). Friday, February 23, 2024 John Cho has been noticeably absent from any updates or news. I'm curious as to what he's been up to - "Harold & Kumar 4" updates has disappeared for now. The creators are currently busy with Cobra Kai S6. I think John Cho is busy with a project - I did vaguely hear about it (some kind of kickass horror film). Lawrence Kao and "Ba" - I need to find out more about this. Stills look creepy. There are a lot of technically astounding pieces out there. And there are a lot of technical wizards / pianists of all ages on the piano out there. You pick what suits you well. Mendelssohn's "Scherzo a Capriccio" is another intense piece. Probably too intense at this point to go back to. I think it's all in the approach - you don't want to get too emotionally invested as well. Somewhat of a balance is needed, with perhaps adding a bit more flavor to it. Thursday, February 22, 2024 I have no comment on Simu Liu's hosting duties at the People's Choice Awards, but I'm sure it was eloquent and entertaining. I'm more interested in any "Shang-Chi" updates, which there isn't any. Simu says the sequel is still planned, but it might be awhile. At this rate - 2030? Is the world going to even exist by then. So a new Question Of The Year is: when is Jeremy Lin going to play? It appears New Taipei needs his playmaking skills. The new and improved "Avatar: The Last Airbender" is available today! From the clips and trailers, the visuals look astounding (as if the animation really coming to life), the fight sequences awesome, and the casting authentic (everyone looks the part). Kudos to the cast and crew, can't wait. As far as the story is concerned, it's a wait-and-see. Wednesday, February 21, 2024 Quality and reliability always decline when there is no competition - case in point, search engines and even the operating system. For search engines, use a different one such as Duck Duck Go. It might not be as prolific, but more accurate at least. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about Youtube even if it's going down the shithole. I avoid the homepage at all costs. I'd much prefer typing or copy / pasting the exact URL or link I'm lookin' for. I'm lookin' forward to new updates with Shohei Ohtani, now that the season is near. It's been awhile, and I've been in slumber. Perhaps time to create a new fan web page. Forget, Yelp. You can count on C-Mac Raymond Yu for an "In-Your-Face" food review haha. I pull no punches as well - I'll facially express or say if something is disgusting or not. Tuesday, February 20, 2024 I didn't find any Jay Chou's "J-Style Trip" S2 trailers. I'll have to settle for Youtubers uploading content, despite there being no translated sub-titles. Or when I can re-log into Netflix again. It's one of a few Netflix shows / films on a must-watch list, as I listed in a previous entry. The S2 Finale for "Quantum Leap" - I can't wait. It's been very entertaining - and added elements to it that didn't make it a carbon copy of the original but a direct sequel. Usually, when there are no words or confirmation on a new season - it is not good news. But it's a wait-and-see. Either way - it's been a ride, and I would watch reruns until the show is picked up again or saved. "The Good Doctor" had a very nice run, as it's gearing up for its final season according to Daniel Dae Kim. Kudos to them, and for the regular viewers. I only watched some episodes where DDK guest starred. Monday, February 19, 2024 I just heard about Sean Wang - he has the potential to become a prolific filmmaker, and is currently the sensation at Sundance. I'm looking forward to finding out more about "Didi" and the Oscar-nominated short doc "Nai Nai And Wai Po". From the brief synopsis or from I know about it, it's generally about adolescent experiences as an Asian-American from the all-too-important POV of that kid in "Didi". And being teased, bullied and alienated / excluded. It is all too real. Although I never went through that degree or severity, it was still tough. Back then, I didn't have self-esteem. All I had were invisible / imaginary friends. Except there was Felix. What happened to him. That is all. Haha. I'm very proud of the real me - more at peace, happy and proud to be Asian. I absolutely do not think about these things at all anymore - I'll like what I like / support, and I'll not even bother with the existences that I dislike or do not give a rat's ass about. Tomo Nakayama's new track for "House of Ninjas". It's a soothing song. Creativity is stifled if a person can't think for themselves. Of course - life needs guidelines. In terms of ethics - there has to be moral guidelines, otherwise there'll only be chaos. Ideas - that's why they call it brainstorming. Don't think too much about coming up with ideas. Just let if flow. Andrew Huang is full of knowledge and wit. Buy his new book. Oh yeah. It's not a conspiracy, D-So is right - biden is an alien. Hahaha. Sunday, February 18, 2024 Mikey Chen - livin' the life by eating scrumptious foods and earning a nice living. Ming Chen - attending every single Con there is haha. You absolutely can't have a phobia about traveling for this kind of career. I think he can have a second career as a standup for his short jokes if anything. New season of Mystery Files. I'm lookin' out for any announcement for a new Ghost Files season. Prelude in E-flat is a contemplative piece - a lot of twisting and turning of the melodic line in the left hand, while chords dominate the right. This is probably my favorite Prelude, and then the D Minor. Saturday, February 17, 2024 I'm glad to hear that Mac Eats and Mac Travels are back. If I'm going to feast well, I'd go to Asia (avoid the tourist-y spots however). I would not give it a second thought - if I did not have a phobia about traveling. I'm always hesitant about long distance trips. I prefer to remain on the ground. Friday, February 16, 2024 Justin Chon is a filmmaker I haven't heard in awhile, not since "Blue Bayou". I'm curious as to when "Jamojaya" released. I found a scene or snippet for the film - the visuals says it all. You don't have to say too much to convey emotions or messages. Unless you need "Hooked-On-Phonics" or "Stylish / Metaphorical Films For Dummies" as guides haha. Chon's trilogy which included Ms. Purple and Blue Bayou, were visually stylish and conveyed meaning through them. And oh - watch "Jamojaya" since Rich Brian is in it haha. Joe Jitsukawa was referring to Dr. Now when he was talkin' about "some old guy talkin' with fatties" haha. I found out through Paul S.H. Lee's social media (who played Captain Carson Teva in an episode of "The Mandalorian" and plays Uncle Iroh in the upcoming "Avatar") about Carl Weathers. I don't know any "Action Jackson" quotes or "Predator" quotes ("get to the choppa" doesn't count). But here are some of the "Rocky" ones: "If he can't fight, I bet he can cook" "I'll drop him like a bad habit" "The man's tongue didn't go through his cuspids!" Wednesday, February 14, 2024 I might need to watch "House of Ninjas". Just found out from Tomo Nakayama's instagram. Did he really compose / score music for it - that is cool. And it is sub-titled, so we can hear it in all its glorious, beautiful / original language. It's unfortunate that a lot of must-watch shows or films are on various platforms that you have to subscribe to. Netflix has so far, been gaining ground in terms of interesting things:
Tuesday, February 13, 2024 Whatever Sungwon Cho decides, he is still going to thrive. His profession is voice acting first and foremost - and he's remaining busy. He also has social media - so you can always check there. Who the hell goes to a social media platform's "homepage". I've never been there - only saving subscriptions sites, playlists and videos. It's worse than twitter's "trends". If there's a silver lining, trends don't last. Nothing lasts forever. I don't even know they exist. The Return Of Jeremy Lin. Booyah! Caption this: it appears the Fat Guy had too much fun during the Lunar New Year's buffet haha. *That cheating pastor looks like the same pastor who had that Walmart hissy fit, yelling "Bring it!" while flexing his "Fat" haha. Apparently, he didn't get away "Scott-Free" as the punishment fit the crime. Monday, February 12, 2024 I guess you can call Prelude Op. 23 No. 3 the "Rach 3" Prelude - same key (D Minor), number as the famous Concerto haha. Perhaps just a warm-up to the Concerto. Preludes are just warm-ups or introduction-type pieces (or so I think). This is one of my favorite Preludes. No. 2 is the most difficult. In any endeavor, both hands need to be conditioned well to tackle difficult phrasing comfortably. Image Of The Day (thumbnail from D-So's instagram): In a robotic voice: "Uh. I. Just. Finished. Reading. The. Shattering. Yest. Ter. Daaeey" (oops - I'm confusing this guy with someone else. I guess I have no idea who this "guy" is): Sunday, February 11, 2024 Jimmy O. Yang made the correct decision haha. I wouldn't have given it a second thought about it myself - the Hong Kong Festival > awards shows. Booyah! Simu Liu has a lot of clickbait articles. Hell no. Nobody knows what is going on with "Shang-Chi 2" - the only certainty is that it is not happening anytime soon. The MCU is on the decline anyway. Saturday, February 10, 2024 Happy Lunar New Years! Make sure to purchase a copy of "Fighting To Belong: A History Of Asian-Americans". And make sure to feast well haha. For sure, state fairs have some of the most delicious concoctions that anyone can crave. Carbs and calories galore - what you crave: deep fried / greasy as well as all them sugary goodness. "Keep Smiling" - hidden message: knowing you'll stuff yourself silly with mountains of food haha. Friday, February 09, 2024 Happy Lunar New Year's - we celebrate Lunar New Year's tomorrow. Booyah! - the next most important holiday or event - aside from Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween and Asian-American Heritage Month in a few. "Fighting To Belong: A History Of Asian-Americans And Pacific Islanders" just released. This is worth getting as well - highly recommended. It's different than "Rise", as it is perhaps more about other contributors among Asians not in entertainment. I have to read about it more. This is still an on-going fight. It's a life-long, generational endeavor. Things are not going to permanently change in one's own lifetime, but we always have to have that conviction, determination and spirit. A handful of "Quantum Leap" episodes left - I'm wondering how this new villain is going to shake up things. Tuesday, February 06, 2024 Damn - pen spinning should be an Olympic sport. It sure as hell more of a "sport" than synchronized swimming. Aren't pens and pencils obsolete - I completely forgot how to hand write or write cursive properly. Aren't we all just typing and typing away - either on mobile, desktop or laptop. With that said, watch Rich Brian's new track "Light Rails". It is the new Music Video Of The Year. When you have a podcast of all Lin Brothers (Jeremy, Joseph and Josh - the Triple J's haha), I immediately save the podcast to watch when there is time. Perhaps the "Dudes Behind The Foods" guys better eat more scrumptious deliciousness often to elevate their singing. For once, they were not off-key haha. Sunday, February 04, 2024 Mamma Cho is becoming a regular on Sungwon's channel - we need more cooking shows haha. Mamma Cho might become the next Martin Yan or Ming Tsai. The film "Yolo" 'looks' hilarious. Some fat, out-of-shape lady training to become in-shape for some competition. What competition - eating and slouching at a game room? Or sleeping on the couch? haha. Saturday, February 03, 2024 "The Tiger's Apprentice" appears interesting. It sounds like a prequel to "The Paper Tigers" haha. But it's actually a computer-animated film about zodiac signs? Gotta check what it's about more. Speaking of Yuji Okumoto, hopefully there'll be more updates or sneak peak for "Cobra Kai" S6. It's been too long - I completely forgot about this. It's cool to find out that Sungwon Cho voiced a character in "Gods Of War: Ragnarok". Life is full of surprises sometimes. Who knows - he might have actually voiced that Candy Cop character in "Wreck-It Ralph" haha. Or perhaps the sound effects for King Hippo in Punch-Out. Life is also a "Journey Of A Thousand Miles". I've read Lang Lang's autobiography quite a few times, before permanently quitting reading (since I hate to read - it bores the crap outta me. The exception of course, is sheet music). It's the story of perserverance and hardships. Nothing compares to this. Andrew Huang has a wealth of knowledge. You do not have to be a strict Classicist or Classical musician. The beauty of music, is that you can create or compose your own. You can learn and develop on your own, or through a different avenue than the traditional establishments. The problem - there are not a lot of music that is unique or can sustain interest / attention. They'll eventually all be forgotten. "Whilst" - a lot of classical pieces can be played / listened to over and over. Or what they call - Ever-Lasting. Wednesday, January 31, 2024 Randall Park and Jordan Peele. I am intrigued by this - I am looking forward to hearing about their new project / film. I haven't heard from either of them in awhile. Not since Jordan Peele's "Nope" (it would be a "Yup" to watch haha), and Randall Park's "Shortcomings" (I have yet to see as well). Tuesday, January 30, 2024 "Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth" is worth playing when you have Daniel Dae Kim, Rich Ting and even Sungwon Cho (I think) voicing characters. Unfortunately, I don't play consoles nor have the time. But I sure believe that Sony Playstation and Nintendo are on top - they sure have fun, quality games. I can no longer afford PC games nor have the time either. Other than a survival horror such as Outlast, games I would have liked to play: Wii's Punch-Out (as colorful as the characters they are, right Disco Kid? haha), and one of the GTA. The second half of "Quantum Leap" S2 begins - looking forward to it. My favorite leaps - can't decide (they were all entertaining). D-Choe or Munko Choe is my guru. My inspiration or guidance in life. More thoughts on the Choe Show Fan page soon. Sunday, January 28, 2024 With the return of MacTV, hopefully there'll be regular content. I'll stay subbed to MacVentures as solidarity for Crip Mac support. Also - a lot of hilarious stuff I still haven't watched yet. I haven't heard anything about Brian Tee in awhile. So that's what happened to the "Drift King" - he fled Tokyo after his loss, took a detour working in a Chi-Med hospital, and ended up in Hong Kong with an expat haha. Another new, badass image of Fire Lord Ozai (Fire Nation Forever indeed). I can tell ya for sure, Daniel Dae Kim looks ready to kick ass haha: Wednesday, January 24, 2024 Here's the poster for "Avatar: The Last Airbender", and the official trailer is also out: With Steven Yeun dropping out of "Thunderbolts" (MCU is declining anyway - only a "Shang-Chi" sequel can save it haha. Make it happen!), I heard he'll be in an independent film. A lot has happened during the strike. I still have yet to watch Simu Liu's "One Trues Love", added to the must-watch list eventually. The other two: Randall Park in "Shortcomings" and Dustin Nguyen in "The Accidental Getaway Driver". Sunday, January 21, 2024 I never use public toilets (takin' a dump that is), unless it can't be helped. It's quite simple - unload your load at home before going out dammit haha. Ever hear of Dunkin' Donuts' "America Runs On Dunkin'" - more like, "America 'Runs Away' From Dunkin'" - toilets that is haha. Dunkin' is disgusting - except their muffins. There are tastier donut shops anyway - I'd go to the local donut shops. Or even your grocery store bakery donuts. I think I'll have to create a new playlist. Suffice it to say, a common houseplant is more interesting than a typical human being (albeit a genetically engineered one). Who's the real MVP of New Taipei. It ain't Jeremy Lin. It ain't Tony Mitchell. It's - Fat Dude! hahaha. Saturday, January 20, 2024 The greatest chapter in Jeremy Lin's career is currently with the New Taipei Kings, where he is allowed to play freely. It's been quiet. I think we'll have new, relevant updates on Shohei Ohtani once the new baseball season begins. Or when training begins. In the meantime - feel free to browse through his personal endeavors, including advertisements, sponsorships, etc. The "existential quandary"-type question of the year: has anyone memorized the lyrics to Weird Al's "Hardware Store"? This is more difficult than completely memorizing all the digits to Pi. Hahaha. When companies who are monopolies keep adding new fees, charges to equipment rentals and other hidden fees - it's time to cut back and permanently remove certain services. We don't watch TV anyway - it's all on your Smart TV streaming or Youtube. Why did it take this long to realize that Firewalls "block" internet access. It could also be operating system issues. Sunday, January 14, 2024 Has anyone watched or seen "Kids Say The Darndest Thing" - neither have I. Hahaha. Apparently, Lil' Veyda thinks "K" is a "T" or might just happen to know what the word "Titties" are. Andy Kim is a true people's champion. He actually brings results. Although I consider myself an independent (if at all - I just operate on the reality that politics does not exist), Andy Kim does restore my faith in the dem party - only by about 1%. Haha. Saturday, January 13, 2024 "Quantum Leap" returns on 01/30 - looking forward to it. Mid-season breaks tend to take a long time - it's sort of like school vacation, except the crew has to go back to work on new episodes. The 2-Hour finale - could this be it? I hope not. I think two seasons would be considered a moderate success. The bitter-cold / arctic temperatures and wind storms. I think they are expected every winter now. Piece of the day - Chopin's "Winter Wind" Etude (arguably the most difficult Etude, no plans on learning this anytime soon). Come back "El Nino" haha. Friday, January 12, 2024 Andrew Huang never ceases to amaze in creating music out of ordinary sounds, including lip vibrations haha. Is there any correlation to lip size and sound volume? Even more hahaha. Andrew Huang also never ceases to amaze in his facial expressions for his thumbnails haha. Oh yeah - congrats on his second child. Good luck to the New Taipei Kings, I hope they win it all. It appears there's a new star every game, which is an indication of a well-rounded roster. As long as they don't let that Fat Dude eat too many donuts. Thursday, January 11, 2024 Jay Chou's "J-Style Trip" Season 2 just released a few days ago? I didn't even find a trailer for it. Certainly for sure - this is a must-watch. Altough I do not give a shit about locations, it's the banter between Jay Chou and his crew as well as the magic tricks / illusions he performs makes it worthwhile. "Where's The 'Beef'"? It's on Netflix haha. It deserves all the accolades. Also I might add - I'm sure the supporting ensemble cast and their excellent performances would make it worthwhile to watch. Wednesday, January 10, 2024 I saw Tim Chantarangsu pass by and cop-a-look into the camera (sort of a cameo) during an interview going on from the Unforgettable Gala. That was hilarious haha. At least he didn't cut in front of the camera, else they'd roast his flat ass hahaha. Congratulations to the "Beef" team. I have yet to see it - the sensitive nature of the subject matter is what I've been hesitant about. But no doubt that "Beef" had all the elements that made it intense / dramatic, well-acted and a bit 'believable' (that is lacking in a lot of films or shows). Steven Yeun should have won for "Minari", but this was a feel-good moment or redemption. Tuesday, January 09, 2024 Most of us get frozen foods or frozen dinners because either we hate to cook, or cooking takes forever / just lazy haha. Didn't you get the memo - microwaving is also considered 'cooking' hahaha. Some of the haunted scenarios or locations in horror video games seem creepier than real-life haunted locations. It's time to catch up on some new Unforgettable Gala videos from Character Media. Sunday, January 07, 2024 Frozen Kimbab. Let's get real - frozen anything does not really sound appetizing (especially when the food is packed lookin' like a cookie dough packaging), but I'll certainly take it over pineapple pizza or escargot. My condolences to the earthquake tragedy in Wajima. Piece of the day (Nobuyuki Tsujii's Elegy). I found this piece fitting for any tragic events: Caption this. "Thanks for the loss, Mr. Fat Dude and Mr. Lanky Guy With An Awful Hair Dew / Cut" haha. But to be serious, I think New Taipei is playing their support players more, or their full roster. Otherwise - they might be losing their groove: Friday, January 05, 2024 I'm glad to hear about Ke Huy Quan's new film or project called, "With Love". It is being described as an action film. Perhaps the word 'love' has different meanings. When you put your passion into something, or a sarcastic way of dealing with a situation and getting the last laugh haha. Who knows - perhaps it's completely unexpected. Either way - I'm looking forward to more details about it. "Hey, Stanley - Your 'Sippy Cup' Is Apparently Causing A Lot Of Hissy Fits" haha. I wouldn't even pay a penny for it - I'm the only one apparently, who has no idea what that is. Other than it's some kind of cup. A cup. A lot of these video clips are just petty disputes that happen everywhere - not really hissy fits. The lady having a meltdown over a lost phone before getting arrested (in a pig sty of an apartment like that, perhaps that fat dude was sitting on the phone) - now that's a Hissy Fit haha. The Lil' Missy has something to think about in the slammer. Thursday, January 04, 2024 We're still listening to Christmas music haha. I think we need it to keep the holiday spirit alive, at least for most of January. The "Flight of the Bumble-bee". I put this off as well, completely forgot about it. Until Lang Lang recorded a clipping - I thought playing a Chopin Etude with an Orange was astounding. Right, Jay Chou? At any rate - I'm inspired. I'll have to memorize this one if I intend to record it. There's no way I can use the sheet music due to the speed. Such as the "Danse Macabre", it's playable now. Whether it's the Rachmaninoff-Style, Lang Lang-Style, Nuoc Mam-Style or Byuntae-Style, haha - "Flight of the Bumble-bee" is just catchy and fun. Tuesday, January 02, 2024 The Video Game Pianist's "Guess The Theme" is back - it's been awhile, although I can never identify any of them (except the classic SMB melodies). You have to ask yourself, "are flat asses really badasses, or 'bad' asses" hahaha. It goes in line of the sayings of, "Bros before Ho's" and Homer Simpson's "No Fat HFC's" haha. Monday, January 01, 2024 I think I have the holiday blues - a slight depression from the holidays being over. I definitely feasted well - carbs galore haha. The holidays can still last until mid-January for a lot. Another year coming and going, another year arriving. With every new year, it's like a reset. Just set your goals or resolutions for the year and don't look back. Other than replying like a bot - "My Goal Is To Lose Weight". Isn't that everyone's automatic response if we can't think of anything to say hahaha. For me - it's to be more proactive in being a father / parent. Also - overcoming phobias which has prohibited me from traveling or experiencing new things. This is the most difficult. While there is reason to be concerned (due to society's slacking off in prioritizing safety when it comes to public transportation), Phobias are irrational fears that can be very stifling. *With comcast xfinity removing channels (or channels removing programming) without warning, cancelling TV is planned. Nobody watches TV anymore - everything is on your SmartTV apps (Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, AppleTV). Here's a known, catchy melody from the Peanuts theme from the Vince Guaraldi trio (an appetizer before the main course - the 'Danse Macabre'): |